Stardust Lullaby

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Let us make love

Frolic bare
and shamelessly,
beneath a star-studded, blue-black, velvet night.

Bodies and limbs contorting under the direction of ancient constellations above us,

Kama Sutra instructors for a spiritual courting

Wild locks laced, into rich
green grass; dew-ridden
with afternoons showers

Limbs buried into moist earth
a sturdy floor
against a crashing of galaxies
deeper with every passing revolution.

Unable to hear anything past the blood humming in our veins

Liquid kisses

We sing hymns against
Already, rhythm-laden necks
A crescendo in unison

Dazed and mellowed
Within the cradle of natures embrace

It would be no surprise
if we saw God
In each others eyes, tonight

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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