Coming out

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It was Christmas morning and Nora had just finished making breakfast. After everyone ate, they sat down in the living room, ready to open gifts.

Everything was normal, except Simon and Nora were acting kinda strange, and constantly sharing looks with each other, like as if they had shared a secret, and not a very good one.

Emily, Simon and Noras' mother, noticed this. But she said nothing. Simon grabbed a gift that had his name on it. It was a case, but Simon didn't know to what. "Uhh?" That's all Simon had to say for his dad, Jack to look over to him. "Oh, here ya go, this one's for you" Jack said, smiling as he gave him the gift.

Simon opened the gift to see a speaker. "Do you like it? I didn't know what color you liked so I got it in black. They have other colors. I can return it if you want?" Emily asked worried. "No its fine. I love it" Simon replied back. "I have the receipt." "Honey he said he likes it" "No mom its fine". 

Simon took a deep breath in, deciding now was the right time, knowing either way someone would out him to his parents. " Actually, I um.. I have something I wanna say." All attention was now on him. Nora looked at Simon, wondering if he was gonna say what she thought he was gonna say. As Simon was about to say it, his dad stopped him, "Wait wait, let me guess. You got someone pregnant?" "What? No, no, I um" Simon could see his mom visually relax, letting her shoulders drop. Before Simon could even say anything, he was cut off again. "Wait! You're pregnant?" His dad said. Simon, deciding to just go along with it, agrees. "Yeah, yeah I'm pregnant." " I knew it!" His dad shouted out.

Simon, deciding to get serious said, " actually no.." The room went silent again. " I... I'm gay." "Oh Simon." His mother breathed out. "But I'm still the same Simon. Nothing will change." His dad, deciding to break the awkwardness lingering in the room, decided to make a joke. "So which one of you old girlfriends turned you? Was it the one with the big eyebrow?" His mother grabbed his arm, trying to get him to stop, but he didn't get the message. "Gosh dad, do you ever just shut the hell  up?!" Nora shouted, Simon just staying silent. "It's a joke, just open your gifts." Jack said back, A little irritated that Nora shouted at him." Then he got up and left.
Simon handed Nora a gift. "Here, this one is for you." " Si-" Nora tried to say. "No no, It's okay." Nora deciding not to say anything further, opens the gift. Inside is one of those mixer thingies that you use for baking. "Si, thank you." Nora said smiling. Simon doesn't say anything and just smiles back.

------------Time Skip------------

It was Monday morning and Simon had been avoiding his friends the whole break. He also avoided talking to his family.

As Simon got ready for school, he couldn't help but think 'what will happen when I get there? What will my friends say?' As Simon walked downstairs, about to leave out the door, his mother said "Sit down Simon" "I'm gonna be late for school" is what he replied back, obviously trying to once again avoid the conversation.

Simon walked out of the door, and into his car getting ready to drive to Nick's house. As he began driving, he thought about what he would say. By time he got there, he had a entire conversation he would say. But when he got there, he saw Nick, Abby, and Leah all standing together, seemingly waiting for him.

When he got out of the car and walked over to his friends, everything he had planned to say seemed to have just moved out of his brain without letting anyone know, so the only thing he could muster was "Hey". " Hi. So me and Abby hung out on New Years. And we got together. " Nick told Simon. "That's awesome. That's great." "Yeah it is. But then we got to talking as to why it took so long." "Why did you tell Nick I had a boyfriend in college named Jonathan, why'd you make that up?" Abby questioned. " Look, Martin, he is the one who wrote that Creek Secrets post about me. Right he screenshotted my E-mails and he's been using them to blackmail me for months!" Simon explained in a panic.

" What does that have to do with us Simon?" "He told me if I didn't help him with Abby, he'd out me. And I... That's why I had to keep you guys apart." He explained."So you made up a bunch of lies. " " And that's why you convinced me to go on that date with Leah?" So you could keep me away from Abby?" "So wait, running lies at Waffle House, and beer pong at Bram's, all of that was just to pawn me off on Martin? I'm not a piece of meat Simon. You know how hard it was for me to start over... I trusted you." Abby said, sounding like she was about to cry. At that, Abby started to walk away. "Come on Leah I'll take you to school." Nick said, looking at Simon a second longer before also walking away. As Leah was about to start walking herself, Simon stopped her.

"Leah, Leah please listen" Simon repeated the word 'Listen' a couple of times. "I-I know I messed up okay but I knew you were in love with Nick and I thought that maybe it- " "Just stop it!" Leah snapped. "You know what, you are insanely stupid Simon! I was never in love with Nick.. I was in love with you.." Simon stood there, too stunned to speak. ( And the woman was too stunned to speak.. (Sorry I could help it). "But.. But we-we're us." "Yeah well.. *sigh* I'm sorry I-... I've been trying to tell you. That night I slept over? I was trying to tell you. You know what? You wanna know the funniest part? Is that all these years you being so picky with girls, I thought that maybe was because you might.. Like me too. And then you know you told me I should go out with Nick and I realized you're just never gonna see me that way.  I can deal with you being gay Si, but you set me up to get my heart broken when you thought I was in love with Nick. And that just makes you cruel." Leah said before storming off.






Okay I know this doesn't look like a lot, but the took so long to write out. Anywho I hope you liked this chapter, and again, leave your review on the story so far! Also someone please tell me the amount of times I've said the name Simon and the word deciding -_-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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