AN important

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I'm not sure what to do with this story at the moment, I didn't outline it at all and didn't know where this story was going at all. However, at this time I am writing another Drarry veela fic and outlining a few more idea's. I'm very sorry to all the current readers however I hope you can stick around for the next fic. It still has Draco as a veela and is set in eighth year however it's more from Harry's perspective than Draco's. 

This story was not properly planned out at all. I had a loose idea and ran with it. No outlining, no thinking ahead and i was never sure when certain things should happen. It's a mess. I still like this idea but I think it needs to be properly outlined and thought out to work. Hopefully one day I'll return to this idea.

Stay safe,

-Author :^)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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