Imagine #1-Valentine's Day With Steve .

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Imagine #1

Imagine it's Valentine's Day and you spend it with Steve Clark .

It's now Valentine's Day and you get to spend it with Steve Clark he gives you some homemade chocolate chip cookies that he made and you and him eat them together and you thank him by giving him a kiss on the cheek also not only he had given you cookies but he's given you roses as well which you have taken from him and then had put into a vase while smiling . " Thank you Stevie you're so sweet ." You say as you call him that and  as you smile at him . " You're welcome and happy Valentine's Day ." He says while winking at you and smiling . "You too ." You said as you smiled at him and you blush as well while smiling at him .

"Steve you're the best boyfriend ever and I'm glad to have you as one ." You smile as you tell him . "Awww and you're the best girlfriend ever and I'm glad to have you as one too ." He smiled at you while talking .

You smile when running your hands through his long blond hair and he smiled at you as well .

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