Chapter 11

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"So do you have any hobbies?"

"Well I guess I'm a streamer but I haven't streamed in a while because there's been a lot going on recently..."

"Can you tell me some of the things that have been happening?

"Well my parents died... and I've really struggled with coping and all that.."

"Now it says here that you've self harmed within the last three months, is that correct?"

"Umm.. yea.. I mean sorta" tommy mumbled.

"And how do you feel before you self harm?"

"I dunno sad I think"

"And where does that sadness come from?"

"I don't know my head?! You're asking impossible questions!" Tommy was getting angry. These questions were stupid. He felt upset and cut himself, what didn't she understand?

"Okay. Answer this. When was the last time you cried?"


"You heard me, when was the last time you cried?"

"Wha- I don't cry big men don't cry."

"Answer honestly"

"Like yesterday..."

"Okay.. well take this or leave it but maybe putting up this 'big man' act is making you feel like you can't have feelings when you can and they're totally valid."

"I-I guess..."

"I want you to try this the next time you feel like hurting yourself. Find someone you trust, whether that's a person or a wall, it doesn't matter, and try telling them how you feel. You can let it all out, every emotion. Whether you cry or scream, make it feel like a safe space to have emotions."

"I um okay I guess I could try that..."

~time skip brought to you by cone~

"So... how was it?"


"Was she nice?"


"Can you tell me about it?"

"Mmmmh tired"


"Fuck you mannn..." Tommy retorted as he fell asleep. Wilbur just giggled and put an around tommy, then realized he was still driving.

"Tommy we're  home" Wilbur gently shook tommy awake.


"C'mon get up kid"

"No I think I'll just stay here"

" Tommyyyyydon't make me carry youuu"

"If you want me inside then I guess there's no other option" Wilbur had another idea though. He unbuckled the young blonde and grabbed his upper arms, careful to avoid the cuts and started dragging him.

"AH wilbur what the FUCK!!" Wilbur knew when to stop though and picked up the boy carrying him inside and throwing him onto the sofa.

A/N I know the meme at the top isn't tommy or wilbur but it's relatable and awesome and I want to try cone. Maybe i can get cone to sponsor my story... anyway I know this chapter is short but I just wanted to get something out there. Do cone and drink water. Bye

There's a kid on your doorstep dear wilburWhere stories live. Discover now