Complicated coexistence

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Harry boredly munched on popcorn while trying to entertain himself by watching TV. He'd only acquired this Muggle contraption about six months ago, when Severus had returned to wizarding society after a several year hiatus. On the one hand, Harry was glad, but it carried with it one not very practical fact. When he had stopped working for the Muggle botanical magazine, he had strictly refused to have all expenses paid by Harry. So he began to make money selling potions.

Naturally Harry supported him at the beginning, because after all some people still had some distrust in him, given all that had happened. But as the first pieces sold, and their quality was to the benefit of Severus' reputation, the orders became more and more numerous. As a result, Severus stank for hours locked amongst the various ingredients and fumes, keeping a close eye on the progress of each cauldron.

Harry tried to help him, but most of the potions were so complex that he was always somehow able to screw it up. All it achieved was to make Severus even busier than when he had started.

He missed how Severus practically always had time for him. In the two years they had lived together, he had grown accustomed to the fact that whenever he came home from work, or whenever he felt like it, he was free to tease him without significant interruption. Now he felt that everything was governed by the contents of those damned cauldrons. He knew that wasn't entirely true; he would be doing him an injustice if he didn't admit that he was trying to make time for him. But in his eyes, he needed to drop it on something.

And so, though their third Christmas together was approaching, the mood at home was all over the place. Harry was eating what he could to keep from getting bored, so he had a feeling he would reach Aunt Marge proportions after the holidays. He simplified the decorations and food preparation with whatever magic he could. This time he hadn't even told Severus what he would like as a present, leaving the choice entirely up to him. He was indeed curious to see what he would find under the tree.

When it finally came to it this morning, he staggered out of bed and straight into the shower, since the other half of it was empty anyway. Wearing only a robe, he moved into the living room to the decorated conifer.

„Hello," he greeted, and took the cup of tea that had been prepared for him quite readily.

„Hi, are you hungry?"

„Not really. And you've probably already had breakfast anyway. " He was aware that his tone was a little gruff, but he couldn't forgive himself. At least he could stay in bed on Christmas Eve!

„Okay," he shrugged. „Then we can move on to the main item on today's agenda." He ducked under the tree and pulled one present out from under it, which he placed on Harry's lap.

„Thanks," he put the tea down and began to unwrap it. When he finally got through the wrapping and box to the contents, he had a hard time not gritting his teeth. He counted to three and turned his gaze to Severus. „Cauldron? Really?"

„Yes, indeed a cauldron. I thought you might find it useful." He sipped calmly from his cup.

„Well, I suppose I need some air," he stood up, but Severus grabbed his arm.

„Wait, it's no ordinary cauldron. It's enchanted."

„Charmed?" Harry had to admit that this intrigued him.

„Yes, I enchanted him with a mixture of spells so that he is now able to communicate with you. Just tell him what potion you're going to brew and he'll guide you in what order and how much to add of what ingredients. He'll even tell you how to stir or what spell to add if necessary."

„You gave me a...a command cauldron for morons?" Harry felt himself blush.

„If you say so," Harry's hand tried to jerk out of his grasp, but he gripped it tighter and pulled it closer as he set the cup down.

„Severus, if I were you, I'd better leave me alone now!" Sputtered the bespectacled man.

„Are you trying to threaten me?" He muttered in amusement. „This present is getting to be a better idea, I adore you like that."

The young man struggled for a moment, trying to escape the unwilling hands of his mature partner. How did he do it that he almost always got his way with a few deft strokes? He pushed him away, even slapped him, but they still ended up on the couch, him kneeling, his face pressed against the back of the couch. He felt Severus rolled up his robe and begin to work his fingers into his insides.

„Call this present what you will, Harry, but even though you may be a bit of a prat about potions, I love you anyway. And I notice how you get annoyed when I cook. So I wanted us to spend more time together. Besides, I'll be taking fewer orders so I can give you my full attention." With that last sentence, he finally broke in, as the surprised young man's muscles relaxed.

„Ahm, I'll give you a jerk, you son of a bitch..." He finally turned his head and sought his lips. He kissed him fiercely and passionately as anger still coursed through his veins. But the longer he prepared it, the more he got south, until he finally sat on it like on a horse himself. He could never get enough of the flood of black hair that was endless to sift through.

„You're staying in bed tomorrow morning, you understand?" He uttered with a stern expression, his green eyes sparkling.

„There's that threat again, you'll never learn, Harry," he smirked, but mentally told himself that he would oblige his little dummy.

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