The fun in the summer

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After we got Emmie settled in we started planning all the things we where going to do since it was our first time all together

We had many many idea

So many in fact we couldn't do them all in the time before Emmie had to leave

But she can always come back And we can do the activities that we didn't get done this time

Our list was

Singing and dancing
Adventure the wilderness
Go to museums
Prank calls
Photo shoots
Pillow fights
And more...

But the one I was really excited to do was swimming

So I suggested it to be our first thing we do together , today

So we did

We went to the beach

But then when we got there

Rayne had brought us to a big lake that no body else goes to

It's completely safe to swim and Rayne said she also wanted to hold fish and sea creatures

A normal Canadian thing but I'm not sure if Emmie would want to swim with fish and seaweed

But she did

Rayne caught a bunch of the animals in there , she released them back after taking pictures with them


I even held some of them

Till my mood changed when I knew that we would have to tell Emmie about Rayne

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