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All I could see was black.

When I woke up, I had to blink a few times to see clearly again and I froze in the movement of sitting up.

Ryan killed Harry.


I started sobbing and was near suffocating but a hand patting my back soothed me.

„Shhhhh, it's alright." A voice mumbled but I was too busy hyperventilating to even notice it.

„He'd dead! Harry's dead!" I cryed, helpless and traumazised.

„I don't think he is. He wouldn't be sitting here if he was shoot, I guess."

I blinked a few times.

„H-Harry!" I then breathed, turning my head to look at him.

„Yeah. It's me, Lou-Boo."

„You- You fucker! I was dying of worry! And don't call me that!"

Harry rolled his eyes. „Don't you want to stay ‚OH MY GOD THANK GOD YOU ARE STILL ALIVE HARRY AND OH I WOULD HAVE DIED LIVING WITHOUT YOU!' instead of calling me a fucker?"

I sniffed, smiling a little. „Okay, I'm sorry. You are right. I'll apologise to you."

„You better be happy I'm still here, Lou. You really don't have to cry because I died, you know?"

Harry took my hand in his carefully not to hurt me and placed it on his chest.

„I'm not dead, am I?"

I shook my head a bit, smiling. „No, you're not dead, Harold."

Harry rolled his eyes. „You know how much I hate you calling me that."

I giggled. „I know."

Harry sighed, shaking his head at me.

„How are you? You passed out after Ryan pushed you onto the ground."

I nodded a bit. „I'm okay. My nose hurts and I can't move my hands really. But I also remembered hearing a shoot."

Harry smiled a bit. „It wasn't me, don't worry. One of the police men shoot Ryan. And: Your nose is broken, that's why it hurts."

„Do you know who it was? Who shooted? I want to thank him personally."

Harry nodded. „I will find it out. He told me not to worry about you earlier and he was helping me much."

I smiled a bit, reaching out for Harrys hand to grab it. „He has a good soul."

„Just like you. You wouln't hurt a single ant."

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