Part #21

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Yunlan was sitting on the bed, looking at the suitcase and his brother came inside "So, his stuff is going back" He sits on the chair and Yunlan sighs while making angry expressions "Yes! It is better if every sign of him disappears from here"

Yunji was looking at Yunlan and after listening to his words he smiles very lightly "And what about those signs which he has left on your heart and soul.. How will you remove those?"

Yunlan looks down "Those too will be removed with the passage of time" Yunlan answers and leans back at the bed "I want you to analyze your decision once again because.... I'm seeing that you are not behaving normally after Shen Wei's departure"

"What happened to me? I'm fine!" Yunlan said abruptly turning towards his brother who smiles in return "You are fine on the outside but broken on the inside..... Shen Wei was the only person who could hold you together.. It would be better for you to admit this" Yunji was extremely polite and was trying hard to make Yunlan understand that whatever he did was wrong..

But Yunlan grit his teeth and becomes angry "I don't even want to listen to his name, brother!.. I hate his name.... He is the only one responsible for the torment, I am suffering from!" Yunlan stands and walks closer to the window..

After that, no one speaks and silence spreads all over.. And in another house, Yezun knocks at Wei's room door and then slowly enters when he didn't get any response "Wei Ge?.... Wei Ge?" He looks around and then checks the washroom as well "Wei Ge? Where has he gone?"

He walks out of the room and starts searching for him in the whole house "Wei Ge?.. Wei Ge? Wei Ge?..... Where has he gone?" He checks all rooms, balcony and every corner even garden but Wei was nowhere

"Did you find out, where is he?" Mr. Shen asks standing on the stairs and Yezun went up as well "No dad! He is not at home"

"He amazed me, why did he leave from home?.. What has happened to this boy?" Mr. Shen rubs his eyes being extremely worried and Yezun gets worried too "Let me go and find him" Yezun turns back but his dad hold his arm

"Stop, come back.. You don't go, I'll go myself!" They were standing there meantime his phone rings and there was Zhujiu on the other side of the call.. Mr. Shen told him that Shen Wei isn't at home and he is sure, Wei went to search that Chang, he shares his worry with Zhujiu who feels bad as well

Outside, Shen Wei was searching for Chang and he reaches his house but gets shocked seeing a big lock at the door, he asks a man who was passing by "This is Chang's house, right? Why is this house locked? Where are they?" Wei asks gently as worry was clearly showing on his bright face

"I have been observing that this house is locked for since last few days," The other man told and Wei nods "Does any neighbour or anyone knows about their whereabouts, where they have gone?" Wei wants to find and meet Chang at any cost

"No one knows about them, they lived on rent.. You should ask his house owner" The man said and shows Wei the owner's house, Wei thanks him and went from there.. Zhujiu was also searching for Shen Wei and he was aware Wei must be searching Chang so, he comes right there

"Shen Wei?" He sees him and runs towards him "What are you doing here, Shen Wei?" He comes from the front and Wei shook his head thinking something "Everybody is worried about you at home" Zhujiu politely said and Wei looks at him with moist eyes

"I came here to search Chang but his house is locked and no one knows about him.. I went to his workplace but he isn't there too, I'm unable to understand how can I find him?" Wei was worried, only Chang can proves his innocence but he suddenly disappears

"Don't worry, I would find him from anywhere but I think..... maybe you still have no faith in me"

"There is no such thing, I just want to find him by myself" Wei answers and looks down, Zhujiu wraps his shoulders "Don't worry, let's go back home.. Your dad and Yezun is worried for you.. I promise, I will find him, wherever he is"

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