Ready or not

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Dess point of view
My plan was short and simple get lamelo and Jayda together why not its a great idea, i smiled to myself as I looked over and said so how does that sound liangelo.

"That sounds horrible he laughed "

How does that sound horrible babe I said with a confused face babe they had sex they are practically soul mates

"Do you even hear yourself that a horrible idea,especially setting my hoe ass brother up with your faithful ass bestfriend who just got her heart broken destiny"

You don't think I know she been heartbroken that more then a reason to do it, so Relax gelo I have an idea Im gonna tell Jayda I have a date for her and you're are gonna tell melo so do you, and boom boom they are getting married a year later I said smiling to myself

"That will never happen babe"

Oh no it will BABE and me and you are gonna make sure it do that gonna be our new year resolution I said doing a happy clap

"Okay dess but if this back fires I'm totally blaming your match making ass "

Oh hush hush it not gonna back fire so here how it's gonna go and listen carefully I'm gonna pretend thatme and you was gonna have a double date right and they magically canceled on us so now we just have open seats so hypothetically then I'm gonna beg jayda to go on a double date with mystery boy aka lamelo and then boom they fall for each I smiled

" are you crazy gelo said loud enough for the whole house to hear this gonna backfire so bad did you not see her reaction to when he came up to her at y'all lunch thing please think logically"

I am gelo and you are gonna help me or just move out the way I said with a attitude

" fine but like I said if this backfires I am putting the blame on you just so you know he said with agreeing look"

Okay well I will see you tonight for our big plan

"Alright then seen you then for your disasters of a plan "

Fast forward a hour later
Jayda I yelled as I opened the door of her apartment

" in my room dess "

Hello my beautiful best friend you look real good today did anyone tell you that. oh wait did you get your hair done it looks real good

"What do you want destiny"

Why are you assuming I want something, I just can't complement my best friend is that a crime now I said in a shocking loud voice

"Number one you seen me yesterday and I had the same hair and clothes on I haven't even took a shower girl "

But you look good I love the messy look you have going on

"Get to the point what do you want or forever hold your peace "

I need a big favor and you owe me

"How do I owe you "

You owe me because you're my best friend

"Ask away before I completely just say no "

Okay so here what happened me and gelo was supposed to be going on a double date

"Wait pause a double date? That is so cute

I knew you was gonna say that so since it's so cute I need you to be the replacement for the girl please and thank you I said dragging the you

"Excuse me I'm not doing that foolish shit at all a random date who do I like to you "

You look like my best friend and Well you have no choice I said with a nonchalant face

" and why is that "

I told the guy I got him a date and you know he seems very desperate and so I thought of you because you are kind and heartfelt person I said with a smirk

"Dess I'm not doing it so get that out your pretty little head "

Please I will never ask you for anything again and I will let you pick where we go next vacation I said with a sad base tone

"I like the sound of that being able to tell you where we go for vacation this year and never asking me stuff again you got a deal dess Jayda said with a smile "

Gelo point of view
Lamelo boy bring that ass here right now, I said loud enough for him to hear as I looked on top of the stair of him jogging down in a fast pace.

"What you want boy screaming all up in my house for like you play bills he sarcastically said, with a laugh following behind him"

I'm gonna be straight up with you and not sugar coat like my girl wants me too, dess want to set you and Jayda up on a blinde date and you know I kinda need you to do it for me.

"A double date with Jayda does Jayda know cause she gave me the vibe she ain't like me with that attitude she had "

No Jayda don't know and neither do you when you get to the place where we are going

"but I do know you just told me nigga he said with confused face"

No I didn't nigga I ain't tell you nothing all I told you it was a double date do you understand now boy or do you need me to say it again for your slow ass

"No need to say it again a date with Jayda herself I mean she rude but I like that rude shit and the sex was good from what I could remember, so hell why not man I'm in my boy lamelo said with huge smile".

Boy close your mouth with that horse ass smile that shit ugly

"I ain't ugly nigga bet you dess wanted me first"

Stfup seriously always saying that dumb shit

"Just saying I'm the better looking brother and you and me both know that."

I promise you ain't melo now go get ready you have 3 hours

I'll get ready when I want to bitch

Who you talking to like that boy I said loud as i started chasing lamelo around his apartment

Wow 1051 word that the most words I ever wrote anyways make sure to vote and follow me on her please and thank you 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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