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This could be good or bad. Yes I am a Pokemon fan, I have been for years! This is Jessie/James or Rocketshipping. If I spell any pokemon wrong I am so sorry if you could piont it out and tell me how to spell it in the commwnts that would be great! I'm going to stop talking and let you read!
I saw Jessie laying there across from me. She had fallen asleep a while ago, but for some unknown reason I can't sleep myself. Meowth is in another tent with Wheezing and Ekans. Jessie looks so calm. She started to open her eyes and looked at me "What time is it James?" She asked half asleep. I checked my watch "2:30 a.m. Why?" She looked shocked "Why are you still awake?" I'm surprised she didn't raise her voice. "I just can't sleep, but you need to." I told her. She shook her head "No you need to sleep to." I can tell Jessie is in a mood to be stubborn. I gave in and said "Alright whatever you want princesses" Why did I have so much courage today. Jessie was sure to slap me, but she didn't. She just smiled and layed back down in her sleeping bag. I shrugged and layed my head down, before I knew it I was asleep. My dreams were terrifying, that's one of the reasons I wasn't sleeping. They were about 'her'. Even the thought of her scares me! My betrothed, JessieBelle. That name haunts me! He thick country accent, her stupid messy red hair, her disgusting orange eyes, they way she clings onto me makes me want to puke. She is nothing compared to Jessie though, now Jessie is a girl. Any man good enough to wipe Jessie off her feet she deserves. With her fiery hair, and the way her royal blue eyes sparkle, the fact she is independent, but also needs other people to calm her down at times. I may have a slight interest in Jessie, but that would never happen. She doesn't like a man like me, she wants someone who can buy her all sorts of fancy jewelry and that can giver her anything. What would I be able to give her, nothing! Sure my parents are rich, but they won't give me my share of the money until I marry JessieBelle. Which I would rather die than do, I would only do it for Jessie. So I could have money to buy her anything. I would give up my happiness to give her the best life she could ask for. Why? Because i love her, more than anything in this world. I would never tell her this in person but she is perfect in every way possible, people think she is mean and short temperd. But I've known her long enough to know her story, and it's a sad one. My phone starts to ring and draws me out of my thoughts its me parents. "Hello James how have you been?" I heard me mother ask cheerfully. "I'm fine mom how are you?" I asked back rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "We are fine but we are calling to tell you that you need to be home on the 14th" My mom said, I could tell she was smiling. I was going to ask why but my mom said the sentace I never hoped I'd hear in my life "for your wedding." I slammed the phone down, it shattered. That woke up Jessie, I was on the verge of tears. I ran out of the tent, and looked up at the stars. They lit up the dark blue sky, like little fire flies. I sat down and layed back with one arm behind my head, I sighed. "The 14th is in one week!" I said to myself. "What am I going to do?" I asked twirling a flower in my hand. "I could run" I thought "no JessieBelle would find me..she is like a dog, she can track me from miles away" I sighed again. "What about Jessie? What would she do? If I have to get married then what will happen to her and team rocket? I can't leave, but I have to." I threw my hands up in frustration.
That was part one! Yay next part will be up soon I promise. Leave some helpful tips for me. If you didn't like it tell me and tell me reasons. So that's all for now see you next time

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