Chapter 2: The System

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As I sensed the heat and smells around me, all of it was foreign, I definitely did not feel any familiarity with it. Anyways as I tried to slither around I was barely moving a few centimeters. So as I focused all of my efforts on attempting to slither, I could feel as if I was forming what seemed to be an embarrassing constipated face. At least I was alone, I thought to myself when abruptly, some lady in my head shouted "Slither skill, Lv 1. activated". Startled I shook my rope-like body erratically for a few seconds, but as I calmed down and once again attempted to slither I found that I could move at a constant rate. Not necessarily fast, but it wasn't just erratic bursts of movement that only got me moving a few centimeters. So these are what skills can do, hmm useful. Once again the voice in my head spoke saying, "to identify the user's status envision it." The fuck does that mean! Wait, if I were to just focus on seeing my status like I did when I activated the slither skill, would that do the same thing? Well, there's no harm in trying. And as I visualized within my mind what I believe a status screen would look like it appeared in front of me.

Level: 1

Authority: Primordial Darkness

Species Type: Mimic

Subspecies: Snake (Xiaophis myanmarensis)

Common Name: Myanmar

Skills: Mimic Lv 1. Slither Lv 1. Bite Lv 1. Constrict Lv 1. Invenomate Lv 1.

Infrared Sense Lv 1. Enhanced Smell Lv 1. Regeneration Lv 1.

Mana Capacity: Common

Physical Capacity: Common

Versatility: Rare

It came in the form of a black screen with white print marking out the words. Wait a minute, Authority and Primordial Darkness? That wasn't there when I first saw this thing's stats, what could that mean?

Again the irritating lady in my head stated, " Authority is the bestowed celestial attribute bestowed upon the user based on their deities characteristics.

So it's like magic?

"No", the voice replied, "Magic consumes mana and is a lesser form of energy, whilst Authority consumes the user's celestial force, or more accurately their jurisdiction".

Well, how the hell am I meant to know what any of that shit means. Uhhhhhhhhh, I sighed exhaustedly, at least I now know that Erebus is the reason for that new stat. He must be a god of darkness, which means that that's my goal, that's what I'm striving to become. As I fantasized thoughts of my divine future as a primordial deity, a huge vibration serged from the ground. The horrid sound came from directly behind me, immediately I slithered away toward a barely visible, small, cylinder-like, hole that I felt was around 2 meters away. And as I inched closer and closer, the roaring echo from behind became louder. I recalled Erebus's booming voice as I dove into the hole and slithered deep down. I could feel the massive tremor hover past me as the sound suddenly grew more and more distant. What the FUCK was that! Whatever it was, it must've been enormous. I pondered the idea of going out and investigating when suddenly, a jolt of pain shot through my body. Ugh, my adrenaline was dying down. The pain was a result of my intense slithering on my muscles. Shit, I thought to myself, when abruptly that tiresome lady in my head, yelled, "User's skill Slither Lv 1. has been enhanced to Slither Lv 2. , the user is now capable of slithering 8 percent faster." Well, let's look on the bright side, at least there was some benefit. Ugh, but it still hurts like a motherfucker! Hey Bitch, anything you can do to fix that.

"Passive Skill Regeneration Lv 1. Activated"

Oh, of course, you can! Slowly I could feel my muscles soreness fading away. It was slow, but that seemed to only be a result of the skill being at Lv 1. As I rested within the small burrow it gave me some time to analyze myself and my surroundings. I continued deeper within the hole when I came to a more spacious area. I mean spacious by my standards, a snake. The space was around 3ft squared and it only gave me about 10 inches of ceiling space. Although, this did give me a perfect time to size myself out. The circumference of my body seemed to be 8 inches and I assumed I was around 6 ft in length. I had no way of knowing, but I felt that I was most likely small compared to the other species inhabiting Titan. Especially that monster who could create sound waves that would easily be mistaken for earthquakes. Anyways, as I searched for some other path I could travel within the burrow, that lady with the atrociously loud voice returned stating, "User's skill Regeneration Lv 1. has been enhanced to Regeneration Lv 2, the user's speed of regeneration has increased by 5 percent." Not bad, I thought to myself. It seemed I was moving up in the world. My muscles weren't damaged anymore, and I had gained a much better understanding of the system. However, after some brief searching within the burrow, I realized there was no way to go except out. So I decided to make my way back up when abruptly I felt a presence, and immediately within my mind I heard that women say, "Infrared Sense Lv 1. activated." Instantaneously I began to feel the heat of the targeted organism, the sense was comparable to x-ray vision. I slithered as fast as possible back within the hole, and into the open area once again. I then began to rear my head back into a striking position, waiting fearfully. Through the thick dirt, I could sense the organism's heat and I realized that the only way I would reach the exit, would be by defeating whatever it was. I then prepared myself for battle, when I realized, there was a skill that all Myanmar are capable of that could easily ensure my victory!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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