chapter four

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"His name is Zygmunt Milkmilton and possibly your stalker. If he tries to contact you run away quickly" the woman advices before getting out of her chair. I walk out hands in front of me watching people talking to each other. A couple sits down at a table in a office on the far right.

"Lillian you let that prick into the building!" The lady officer screeches causing the majority of everyone to look over at us. Zygmunt's eyes seem to pierce me. Didn't I see him earlier, before the horrible event? I think I may have yelled at him this morning. I wonder how he took that. I don't think very well because he went on a killing secret. A slow lonely smile spreads to Zygmunt's eyes. He heads towards me. Holy shit he has an six pack and the muscles that make the v. I don't know what they are called. Zygmunt laugh sounds like a lullaby soothing a child to sleep after a nightmare.

The officer pulls me down speaking into a earpiece. A swish of a thousand year old, yellowing trench coat gets closer. Other members of the police task force points their guns at Zygmunt. His blue eyes gleam with excitement. A finger goes to the young males mouth drawn in a smirk still, making a shushing. I crawl away on the white tile flooring. The stained tilling smells like rotten eggs. Shots ring out in the silence. Two black boots are in front of me. I look up to see the face connected to those awesome leather( I think), spiked, combat boots. Zygmunt picks me up as if I weigh anything. Still half stunned by the killer I stay motionless. Red blood falls off his stomach landing, dripping onto the tilling. Is it his or some poor innocent bystander?

"Get away from me" my heart if possible speeds up like a race car. I pull away turning away. God it reeks of blood and gun smoke. My stomach turns on the thought of blood everywhere I look. The whole station seems to wobble on it's side or it can be my vision.

"I'll be taking this" I get thrown roughly away from his arms to over his shoulder. I scream many insults that vary from away from me you fucking creep to help me to let me go you murderous asshat. I should have taken those self defense classes. It's like no one is in the building. How is he not going deaf? I wonder briefly before going back to screaming and hitting him.

"I don't know what you want but leave me alone you miserable lowlife murderous bastard" Zygmunt finally flinches under me. I am finally getting to him. Thank the so many gods and goddesses.

"With no future, hope or possibly life after the police get to you" I continue to shout waiting for any responses. The sunlight hits my eyes as Zygmunt opens the door. I scream again for help not losing any hope. A creepy white van pulls up onto the curb and the sliding door opens. I get thrown into the van with different people in fancy clothing. I crawl to the corner watching them with fear. One of them clears their throat.

"We are all friends here" she says in a low voice.

"And crazed kidnappers" I add in harshly. My voice starts to crack. A woman on the right crosses her legs. Left guy shoots right woman a look while right guy shoots left woman a look and right woman shoots left woman a look. It is a never ending shooting someone a look circle.

"I think we should tell her what's happening" right guy breaks the silence. Also the shooting someone a look circle. Left guy sits next to left woman whose next to right guy next to right woman. Right guy nudges right woman who studies me breathing very heavily. Hopefully I can stop having a panic attack. This seems like it's an intervention. I wonder how fast they all run. Can I possibly run faster than them. I seriously doubt that I can.

"You are being taken to a place" right woman starts before I cut her off. The cult must be very good these days otherwise I would not be here now.

"To be killed, never to return from, maimed, raped" all flinch back looking startled. I close my eyes listening to the outside of the van waiting to be killed for insulting them. There is a slight bump in the road before the van turns onto a dirt road. How long until someone learns about the police station?

"Where there will be many people. I think you should know that you will be a" she begins but once more I cut her off.

"Listen I don't want to be here. Why are people from my school dying?" I ask already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from someone else. All the while changing the subject at hand. Left guy mutters something along the lines of I didn't think she would here about it. Then he sighs dramatically. Left guy's hand keeps shaking every couple seconds.

"No particular reason. They were in the way, don't you dare interrupt again" left woman adds before continuing. "They pissed off our leader and no we are not part of the cult. We are vampires not sparkling people like in twilight. Damn I hate that book" I turn my head on my knees.

"Oh yes and I am a fairy" I start giggling out loud. I notice no one else is laughing.

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