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She sighed, tired from working all day and night. Slouching, she sighed again and shoved back slight tears.

"Stop that sighing right this instant young lady! We didn't take you in here to be a lousy little girl. Now get back to work, you're father's money will not be going to waste." An old, grouchy, woman growled at her from the edge of the kitchen. 

"Yes ma'am." Sorrow edged her tone. She'd been worn out everyday doing what this place calls training, also known as non-stop cooking, cleaning, and attending to everyone in a higher status. She just bent down and scrubbed the floor, ignoring her aching back. 

"Hey, sweets, you may rest now. Head to your room and prepare for bed." The mistress told her. She just nodded and walked off to her room. She heard distant thumping and small yelps, and like any normal person, went to check it out. She peeped into the room, seeing a beautiful woman, dressed in pants and a shirt. The girl was fighting a man! She'd stare in awe of the lady's beauty and strength.

"Wow." She muttered as quietly as a mouse. The lady must've heard her, since they started to creep toward her.

"Who's there?" The lady asked.

"Oh! No one! Im leaving right now!" She'd stammer and stutter on practically every word. She'd start to walk away on a fast speed, trying to get away from the woman. 

"Oh no, no, no, no." She'd stammer, afraid if she'd get in trouble for snooping. She shook her head and kept walking.

"Hey! Stop walking away!" The pretty lady followed her, every now and then doing a small jog to try to catch up. She kept walking, not breaking to fast pace. Eventually, the woman grabbed her arm. "Why were you following, and who are you?" 

She tried to struggle out of the lady's grip, then she looked the woman straight in her face and froze yet again.

"Wait, you're that girl from the house, where all those rich and petty people are. Elaine, was it?" The pretty woman asked.

"Yes, I am Elaine." She stammered. "To be specific! I am Elaine Ymir Sullivan! You know, the Sullivan family. So let go of me!" Elaine tried to get her arm out of the woman's grasp.

"Oh! Im so sorry, 'your highness'." The woman teased and threw her arms in the air, like she committed a crime. "Hah, never thought I'd meet a Sullivan. The most famous, and richest, may I add, in the whole world. Yet you're not quite like one of those 'Sullivans", are you, Elaine?"

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