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Hailey was a long, waif-like, elven humanoid with orange braided locks down her protruding spine, in her ill fitting clothes that made her look like she belonged in a Hugo novel. She had tragic eyes, a paranormal green, and would give the alarmed expression of a terror-stricken furry creature about to dart into the woods when addressed by anyone. She was a student of witchcraft at the university, and spent her time when not studying, or working in the bookshop, conjuring companions in the dark wooded recesses of the city. If you were to talk to her you may discover that this would not be the truth, but why would you disturb this porcelain figurine and shatter her and the perfect image of her in your mind?

Davey was fascinated by her and had to know who this fairy tale creature was. He had to see for himself if there were wings hiding in her anachronistic tunic, if they were feathered or flesh, and if touching them would cause him or her to shudder. He wondered if she loved with a love that was more than love. She did not notice him and his unraveling fantasies. While in the shop she spent every moment living in books, only looking up to perform the bare minimum functions of her post. It was imperative that she never know that she was being reduced to an object of a man's obsession. And how many others perhaps have dreamed of perverting her innocence, if she were innocent at all. It was as if she were a statue, a concept, and not a filthy animal like the rest of us with fantasies that durst not be uttered aloud for fear of eternal perdition.

While demons dreamed of deflowering her pristine form and whisking her away to their hovels of selfishness, she in fact, existed; as a young woman of simple pleasures, plain and unfantastic. She loved what she loved, and avoided what she didn't. She lacked ambition, content to be in a way that allowed her to enjoy basic comforts in an effortless manner. She approached an ideal that our hero had for years been trying so hard to attain.

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