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Jimin goes to grab Jungkook's food to bring to him and runs into Dr. Mendez. "Oh. Um..."

She smiles. "So..."

"We're dating now."

"... Is it genuine? I'm not doubting you, it's just because of the conversation we had."

Jimin sighs. "I'm not forcing it. I actually tried to ignore my feelings but I just couldn't anymore. I really do like him."

"I know this will be a very difficult process for you, so if you ever need someone to talk to, come find me."

Jimin nods and tears up. "I don't know if I'm ready..."

"It's not something you get ready for. You can never be ready. It's something that you'll inevitably have to go through."

"I wish the treatments worked. I want more time with him..." He looks down at the food in his hands. "Speaking of which... I should probably get back to him."

"Of course. You have my number. Don't be afraid to contact me."

Jimin nods and walks away. It's a silent walk back up to his room. He walks in and sees Jungkook wiping more blood away from the corners of his mouth.

Jimin puts the food down on the side table and helps him wipe it away. "I brought you some water and food. I'd really appreciate it if you tried to eat all of it."

Jungkook's eyes sparkle when he looks at him. "Okay..." He blushes and looks away. "Thanks for being with me."

"Well... I don't know if you remember, but I'm your boyfriend now. I'm supposed to be here for you."

Jungkook chuckles. "Are you saying you wouldn't be here if we weren't dating?"

Jimin grins. "I think I've proven that that isn't the case."

Jungkook looks back at him and they just look at each other for a few moments. "Can I have another kiss? I miss the feeling of it..."

Jimin hands him the water. "Have some of this first. I don't want to taste that nasty ass blood."

Jungkook takes a big gulp and swishes it around before swallowing it. "That should be good."

Jimin leans in and gives him another gentle kiss. Jungkook reaches up and rests his hand on the back of Jimin's neck so he doesn't pull away.

Jimin happily obliges and kisses him for a few more seconds before breaking the kiss. He glances up and sees that Jungkook's eyes are still closed. He's completely blissed out.

Jimin reaches over to grab the tray of food but Jungkook doesn't let him. "Don't move away, I want more kisses."

"You have to eat first."

"Wow. I'm dying and this is the treatment I get?"

Jimin's face falls. "I get that you cope with humor, but I really don't like it when you say things like that..."

Jungkook ruffles his hair. "I'll stop." He grabs the food tray and starts eating slowly.

Jimin watches him carefully. "Are you still allowed to leave the hospital for a day?"

"... Maybe. I'd have to ask Dr. Mendes. Where do you want to go?"

"You could stay the night at my apartment."

Jungkook almost drops his soup.

"I was thinking maybe cuddling in a real bed would be better than this uncomfortable hospital bed."

Jungkook's eyes grow wide. "Oh, you mean for cuddling. Yeah sounds fun."

Jimin giggles. "What did you think I meant? Hooking up? Jungkookie, you're sick and barely have any energy. I'm not trying to fuck you."

"I could have enough energy-nevermind." He starts shoveling the soup into his mouth.



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