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Sarah's POV

I had never shared so much with a person in such a short space of time.
We clicked, there is no fancy way to put it. Lily and I , we understood each other.

We spent long nights, tucked up together on my portentous leather sofa, the sweat from our bare skin sticking slightly to the fabric, but we didn't mind.
Her slim legs dangling over mine as we talked.
I would watch her lips as they moved, the way she formed her words and the way her dimples would break out every time she smiled.
The occasional dash of her tongue, swiping across her voluptuous lips, applying much needed moisture as her nerves caused her lips to dry.
I drew lazy circles across the skin of her thigh with my index finger subconsciously, it's a habit I guess, but a soft moan escapes her mouth as I do so, her eyes flutter closed subtly and she begins to sink further into the sofa.
It's a small almost insignificant gesture yet causes my heart to palpitate, and my teeth to grip onto my lower lip in order to somehow suppress my instant arousal simply at the sight of her.

As the nights go on, and we get more comfortable, she asks the question.
"So what's your story?" she says in her husky tone, but curiously.

I gulp
"Where do I start" I laugh nervously, looking into those blue eyes of hers as she stares back at me, encouraging me to go on.
"Well erm, I guess I should start with Cherry"


"Honestly, Sarah, you really need to find someone and settle down. I'm sick of dragging you on double dates and you just ending up third wheeling" Amanda says exasperatedly, whilst stuffing her face with popcorn and swigging another mouthful of white whine ( from the bottle might I add )

I sigh, "Look, it's all well and good for some, falling in love and blah blah blah but I just haven't found anyone yet ok, and believe me, I know more than anyone how much it sucks third wheeling with you fuckers" I scoff, grabbing the bottle of white whine from her clasp and chugging some myself.

"Look, I'm going to find you a nice man, witty enough that you'll get on with him, but stupid enough to deal with your shit" she laughs as she grabs my cheek and smothers me in wet kisses.
"Love you Paulson" she adds, distracting me from her offensive comments prior.

"Fuck you Peet" I tease, pushing her off me onto the floor, whipping out my fingers and tickling her until she begged for mercy.

I was onset for a small independent film, I had always been much fonder of independent films to the massive Hollywood movies. They made me feel more comfortable, and safe.

I was led by one of the crew over to my trailer where my hair and make-up would be done and I'd just be able to relax.
I smiled sweetly at the crew member as they wished me luck and I stepped up into the trailer.

I had been expecting to be alone, since this was a very small movie, but before me stood a woman. A beautiful one, afew years older than me, but something instantly attracted me to her.

"Hello, I'm Cherry" she beams at me and extends her palm towards mine.
Of course in that instant I recognise her, and scold myself for not doing so earlier. This was Cherry, one of the great Broadway actresses, that of course I had admired for a long time.

My words get stuck in my throat, and my mouth begins to dry up as my brain screams at me to say something, anything.

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