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Juniper felt starstruck after all her questions and doubts were cleared away by her parents. She know knew about the wizarding world, Hogwarts, the four House of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, her mother's real occupation, about who-must-not-be- named also known as Voldemort and a little about the Order of The Phoenix which is where her parents had been rushing off to. Which meant that she also knew about her being a squib. When Matthew and Michelle had explained, to their daughter, how squibs were people who couldn't inherit the magical powers running in their family's blood. They had taken the blame on themselves when they saw how much it deflated their daughter, who looked really upset because she couldn't just wave her wand and have a glass levitate towards her.

Michelle was quick to tell Juniper that it was a side effect of her complicated pregnancy. She had also proceeded with praises for her daughter and how she herself had a magic of her own, which she sprinkled everywhere and in everything she did.

"Of course! Imagine staying away from us for years and us missing out on how much our daughter grows everyday. We got so lucky to witness it all, all the highs and lows, failures and achievements. It would have sucked to only write a letter and tell you how proud we are when we could have a full-blown party here!" Matthew gushed.

"So... so Harry has been going to Hogwarts for all these years? Running away or trying to defeat the- the Voldymould?"

"Voldemort, baby" her father chucked at her slip, "And yes but it would be better if you didn't question us about him. It is his story to tell and it would be better if you two talk it out" he advised.

"Yeah.... so tell me more" she told them.

After half a day was spent answering questions and explaining everything to Juniper about the wizarding world. The couple had a question for her themselves.

"We need your opinion on something" Michelle started softly, as Juniper nodded, "So, Dumbledore has formed the Order once again and we are being asked to join it officially, which in other words means- being asked that we shift there.... at the headquarters. Otherwise it wouldn't be safe for us out here, the death eaters would probably try hunting us down" she finished in a heavy, grave tone.

Juniper felt a weight being pressed down on her chest. She was now aware that her parents had fought bravely in the first war but they didn't have a baby to look after at that time, she couldn't let them join the Order right? What if they get hurt? But the threat that lingered in the shadows was that of Voldemort trying to recruite them in his army and their denial to probably leading to their possible death. And suddenly the wizarding world didn't sound so amazing and she preferred if they were all just muggles.

"But- but I can't lose you! I don't want you getting hurt and what about me?" She questioned them as water flooded her eyes, she was already feeling the hurt that would come with her parents not being around. "I- I can't ask you to join the Order. It's too dangerous!-"

"We're already being dragged into this baby, it's up to us now if we choose to live and fight bravely or bow down to a man who values nothing but world dominance...." Michelle sighed. "And we'll have the protection of the Order members and it would be a lot safer for you"

"I- I need time to think.... can I go meet Harry?" She asked them.

"I'll come with you and call me when you're leaving, I'll come pick you up" Matthew instructed his daughter.

Juniper knocked on the door, with her father standing a few footsteps away from her. There were hurried footsteps coming from within before Harry pulled the door open and tackled Juniper in a tight embrace.

"I worried!" He breathed as he held on more securely.

"Remember to call!" Matthew reminded as he walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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