~first dates~[THREE]

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It was the day I went on a date with Dream, was it even a date? I don't know, but I'm just gonna put that out of my mind and get ready. After I got ready I decided to do a fit check for my followers on Instagram.


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Fit check <33
Dream> Pretty.
Nihachu> Your style is literally amazing <333
Replied^ thank you so much Niki <3
Random2673> are we not gonna talk about what Dream said?
User25637^ I thought I was the only one who noticed that.

It was now 12:00pm which meant there was only an hour left before Dream picks me up for lunch, wait, I just realized I'm gonna see dreams face! What the fuck! Okay now I'm really excited, I really hope he doesn't think I look ugly, but then again he did say I looked pretty on my Instagram. I was so lost in my thoughts I almost didn't hear the doorbell ring. HE'S HERE OH MY GOD.I walked over to the door and fixed my hair a bit before opening it. When I did there was a extremely tall blonde with emerald eyes staring at me. He was very hot, wait, what am I saying, I don't like him like that! I just met him.
"Take a picture it will last longer" he said while chuckling. I started blushing a lot at that comment, I didn't realize how hard I was staring. We walked over to his car and drove to the small cafe/coffee shop we were going to.

Once we were there we both ordered our drinks and paid. We were just sitting there waiting for our drinks when Dream or shall I say Clay said "after we get our drinks do you want to go to a park and just sit down?" "That sounds lovely" I say with a smile and almost right after that, a woman came with our coffee.

Me and Clay were driving too the small park he was talking about. We got there and sat down on a small grass hill and looked at the sun that was now setting. Then he looked at me and kissed me out of nowhere, I obviously kissed him back. Now we were both released from the kiss. "I think you look gorgeous today" he said while making eye contact "and you look very handsome".

We went back to my apartment after that little "moment" and we started watching the new spider-man movie. And before i knew it I was asleep in his arms.

I woke up the next morning and Clay was still there so I got up, making sure not to wake him up. And brushed my teeth. I walked out to the living room and he was in fact still sleeping so I decided to make pancakes, and man did I make good pancakes. I was putting them on two plates when a raspy voice said "good morning Oakley" I started blushing at the sound of his voice in that raspy state, and walked over to him with two plates in my hands. I passed his and he devoured it with in minutes "that was hot" I said smirking at him "your hot" he replied while planting a kiss on my cheek and walking into the kitchen.

A/n: sorry for moving things really fast lol. I just didn't want to make you guys wait any longer (:

~One Single Dono~[Dream x Fem OC]Where stories live. Discover now