Inside the box

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As shock heads birthday comes closer I get more curious about what's inside of the box but as I closed my locker I go check up on the little nerd he's doing the same old same but something falls out of his locker ( shit he's got a love letter) but in all honesty I thought shock head made it clear to his team that the nerd was his but it can't be any of them there all scared of him so who

As I walk to my locker I get a feeling I'm being watched but I have to ignore it because I saw a love letter fall out of my locker but don't get me wrong I'm a nerd that is mostly invisible by most people but I'll get a love letter every now and then but out of know where a hand grabs the letter out of my hands as I look up I see the one man I love and to scared to talk to  Edward as he reads the letter it looks like he's getting more and more mad at who ever wrote me that letter has as I was going to as something he grabs my hand and slames me against my locker and ask me " what the hell is this pumpkin?"

As I slammed my little pumpkin against his locker and ask him what the hell that letter is he was going to answer me edd grabs me and yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDY!" Shit it's all ready my birthday  Eddie walks up to me and hands me a little box I didn't even notice that my pumpkin left but Eddie says "your nerd gave it to me to give you it on your birthday" what my pumpkin got me something I take the box and open it and oh my God ok so my pumpkin where's a cute little carm bracelet with sharks and got me one with little pumpkins on it oh if you all ready don't know my nickname is the shark because I'm the fastest swimmer in my whole school but not import I now have a matching bracelet with my pumpkin MY PUMPKIN HELL YES BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!

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