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Logan's pov:

I am seen Scott leaving crying. I am running out of him! I can see him getting in to his room. "Scott please open the door!" "Logan leave me alone please!" "No I am not going to! Open the door! " "I do not want to Logan! Leave me alone!" "I'll break the door Scott!" "Then do it! I am not opening it! " "You don't want me to do it! " "You are right I want you to leave!" "I will get in Scott!" "Why you don't just leave me alone!" And with that his glasses broke and optical blasts left from his eyes. They did a big hole in the door. And to the next 3 walls. I am getting in and I am giving him another set of glasses. "Get this. " "What happened here? " Professor is saying as he is coming in. Ohh..." he read my mind and he is coming next to Scott "Scott no one wants you to leave" "Not even after that?" "No Scott! No one believe that it was your fault because it wasn't! " "But.." "No but Scott , everyone want you here! " "I can't do that anymore Charles, I can't! I have lost so much! At first Alex... I was 16 and you all know what happened this day at school. Then I came back home my parents called my brother. He said that he knew a place for me. And we came here. It was the best day of my life. I had friends for the first time of my life , I met Jean and I was full. But some hours after, Alex died. After that my parents never talked to me again. They thought that it was my fault that Alex died. Some years after they died. I never said goodbye or I am sorry to them. At least I had Jean. But now..." "I am sorry Scott but we are here for you and we always will! " "Scott can I come in" I am looking at the door and I am seen Iceman "Please Scott?" "Okay" "What you were talking about Scott ? We want you here , we need you here!" "Really?" "Yes Scott!" I am saying with a big smile an my face. "Now you should stay here and get rest!" "Okay Charles"

Logan's pov:

Everyone is leaving and I am going to go too but " Logan?" "Yes Scott?" "Can you stay for a while? " 'Of course Scott" I am sitting next to him and he is ready to sleep. I am holding his hand. But some minutes later he is sleeping. I don't wanna wake him up so I am trying to don't do noise. I am going to Professor. "Professor?" "Happened something to Scott? " "No he is sleeping. But I can't see him like that." "I know Logan but we can't do much right now" "I know! I am going to fix his door and the walls. " "Okay Logan" I just finished with the walls. I am afraid that I will wake him up! I am going into his room but he is not there "Not again!" his motorbike and his car are here. I am at the garden searching for him and I am seen him next to Jean's grave. "Scott what are you doing here?" "I just wanted to come and leave some flowers. I'll do it every day." "Okay Scott. Are you hungry?" "Not really. " "Okay" "Do you wanna go for a walk?" "I am sorry but not today Logan." "It's okay. If you need anything I'll be in the kitchen" "Okay Logan!" "I can't believe that! I hope this time he won't try to kill himself again. It's been one hour and I haven't see him. 1 hour pasted and I am going to the garden and he is still there, I am going behind him and I can hear what he is saying "Jean if you can hear me I just want you to know that I am so sorry and I know I don't deserve to be alive but they don't let me , I tried. But Logan and I became friends, he is very good friend. Maybe the best I ever had!" "Scott? " "Oh hi Logan..." "Do you wanna go for a walk now ?" "Okay" We are out for an hour and we have a lot of fun. "Scott are you hungry?" "A little bit. Do you wanna go to eat something?" "Okay but not for too long" We went to a restaurant and we got drunk. Again. Now we are going home. I am going Scott at his room, I am trying to left him at his bed but he took my hand and he kissed me! After that Scott fall asleep. I am shocked! I am going into my room very confused. I have to say that it was nice. Wait what I just thought. I must be very drunk to think that. I am gonna sleep and think clear tomorrow. I just wake up. I am thinking about what happened last night. I don't know why but I feel that it was nice. What is wrong with me? I cant like Scott! I am sure he didn't want to . He was just very drunk. I am gonna find him . We need to talk. "Good morning Logan. Can I ask you something? " " Yes of course" " What happened last night? I can't remember anything after the fifth Vodka." So he doesn't remember the kiss? " Nothing. We just came here and we went to sleep." " Oh okay thank Logan" "I'm sorry but I have to go see you later" " Okay bye" I have to go and talk to someone. I'll go to Professor. "Professor?" "Good morning Logan. Is everything alright?" " No, do you have some time?" "Yes Logan come to my office. So what happened?" "Last night I was out with Scott and we got drunk and when I left him at his bed he kissed me! Now he doesn't remember anything but I do!" "Oh and how do you feel about that Logan? " " I don't know why but I felt nice. It was nice! Oh god why I am saying this things, what is wrong with me?" "Maybe it's because the last months you have a lot of time together." "Maybe but what I am going to do now?" "I don't know Logan but you will find something , I am sure ." "Okay thanks Professor" It is so weird. Why do I feel something like that. I think I should stay away from him for a while until this is over. I am going back to my room but I can see Scott. I am quick getting into the bathroom. Thank god he left. I am going into my room to sleep for a some hours. I need some sleep. I am in my room and I can see Scott from the window. He is at Jean's grave with some flowers again. I don't want to stay away from him but I have to. I have to stop feeling like that. We can not be together. I know. He is still in love with Jean. Uhh why do I fell like that ?! It's awful! And why he has to be so perfect! I can't believe that I was wanted to be with his wife and now I like him! How can I do this to him? I almost destroyed his marriage. I am a horrible person! I hate myself! * Knock *Knock "Hey Logan ! Can I come in?" "Scott?" "Yeah it's me! Can I come in?" "Ehh I don't feel so good so..." "Are you alright?" "Yes, it is just my head. So I am gonna sleep for some hours." "Ohh okay..." I can hear him leaving and I feel awful! How did I destroyed my life like that! I had everything. My job , my friends but now...

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