Chase her

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You stormed out of the room too angry to cry

"Y/N" Draco yelled after you

You sped gracefully through the halls as he chased you

He grabbed your wrist and you turned around smacking his face

"I am not a DOG. I will not condone you chasing me!"

You snatched your hand away from him and continued to leave

"I told you i could explain!"

You turned into a corner where no one was

You kept your back turned to him

"It was supposed to be a break." You said finally letting your tears stream down your face

"We are on break!"

You turned around

"We're over. Oficially"

"Y/n. Dont be drastic. I told you I could explain! Why dont you trust me!"

" fucking disgust me" you cried sulking onto a wall

"I came back to tell you I wanted to end our 'break'...And I find you with... her. Kissing"


You got up

"What didnt you understand."

"It wasn't like that.."

"I DONT WANT YOUR EXPLANATION " You yelled in his face

"WHY CANT YOU TRUST ME" he yelled back in your face

You looked him up and down

"Through everything you've done. I've still loved you. But I can't... I cant do it angmore"

"Are your trust issues this bad. We
were together A YEAR. YOU CANT JUST END US."

"This. This is why I have trust issues. I thought... never mind what I thought. You werent worth my time"

You watched his eyes go from frantic to sad hearing those words

"So I'm not worthy now."

You didnt want to end things messy

"You're not worth my time."

You walked away and this time he didnt chase you

He stood there heartbroken

You didnt look back. But you never felt his gaze leave you

You walked to your room and see Astoria

"We weren't doing anything I swear-"

You put your hand up and kept walking

Weeks after distancing yourself from him Blaise burst into your room

"Have you ever heard of knocking-" you smiled

"Cut the crap." He said with all seriousness in his face

You closed your book "what crap."

He shut your door and crossed his arms visibly angry

"You break up with Draco and then we mean nothing to you?"

"Blaise it's not like that..."

"But it is."

You stood up getting to his level even though he was taller

"I had to take a break. From everything"

"He loves you"

You shut your eyes "dont start-"

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