Chapter 1

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Every Ofusa faced their challenge before reaching adulthood, their god whom they called "the Mighty One" chose a creature for them to fight in the Great Desert. If they succeeded they would prove themselves to be warriors and earn the Mighty One's protection. If they failed they would be condemned into slavery and if an Ofusa died it was believed they fell during a glorious battle.
After succeeding most Ofusas would work a trade and fight for the Ofusa nation whenever called upon.
Those who were most skilled and took the most honour from fighting could become knights, they patrolled the city, kept a watch over the desert and were to command the commoners if the nation went to war.
Ofusas born into noble families and most devoted to the Mighty One also had the choice to train as a priest or priestess, they were the god's most favoured after the royal family.
The royal family took the biggest responsibilities in maintaining the nation's strength and appeasing the Mighty One and in return they were the most prestigious and respected class in the nation.

The wind howled as Papa (King Yokaxa III) escorted N'Chalo across the Great Desert, they trudged through the thick sand, fighting through the scorching heat. It was a big moment, N'Chalo was about to face her challenge, she carried her spear, freshly sharpened to slay whatever beast her god picked.
Since she was born N'Chalo wore a green bracelet on each arm, they were to be removed to signify her completion her rite of passage once she overcame her challenge and returned to the city. She was to take the throne when Papa died and therefore was capable of slaying anything that would set foot in her path - Papa was adamant she had to be.
They had been in the desert for an hour but to N'Chalo it felt like several. Sweat dripped from her body, even with shaved black hair and a short yellow dress the heat was unbearable. Her eyes stung and grains of sand gathered in her sandals and grated against her feet. Her tongue stuck to her pallet and her throat was as dry as the desert. A beast must be approaching by now, it had to be.
'How much further?' she asked, desperate for the moment she could go back to the city to have her bracelets cut off.
'Have patience, my child,' was Papa's default response. He'd often remind N'Chalo that a strong Ofusa always had patience. Lines resembling a skeleton torso were painted over his dark skin. N'Chalo was to receive the same paint, every member of the royal family wore it once they overcame their challenge.
Papa had short black hair, a little beard beneath his chin and wore a hide skirt and the fur crown that every Ofusa monarch had worn before him.
A gust of wind. N'Chalo groaned as she shielded her eyes from the blowing sand. It was unbearable.
'Listen.' With Papa's words, N'Chalo became alert.
The faint sound of footsteps... This was it, her challenge awaited. N'Chalo looked ahead, everything was blurry, she was so dehydrated. She stepped closer and a gust of wind stronger than before swirled around her, nothing but dust and sand. Something touched her arm, it dragged her away.
'Over there quickly!' it was Papa, he kept hold of N'Chalo's arm as they fled towards a large rock. N'Chalo rejoiced as she crouched behind it, covered from the storm and able to recuperate before facing her challenge. She thought she was safe until Papa's shrill scream.
The wind dragged N'Chalo but she held onto the rock, hugging it with all the strength she had left, the sweltering temperature had drained her. The wind lifted her off her feet, she held on and on until it died down. She anticipated the sound of Papa's voice but nothing was to be heard.
Her only response was a piercing squeal, raising the hairs on the back of her neck, her heart pounded as if it was trying to shoot out of her chest to break free.
She turned, hoping to find Papa but looking her dead in the face was a behemoth with tusks protruding from its lower jaw. She had to act fast, N'Chalo tried feeling for her spear but it was gone, the wind had taken it. The behemoth produced a deep growl, revealing numerous sharp teeth and glands of sickly green liquid. N'Chalo screamed for her life.

N'Chalo's ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now