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make sure to read 59 and 60 before this one.


" all i do is sit and drink without you "


aurora astor.

I descend into sleep in the typical embrace of Harry's comforting arms with my face squished against his bare chest. Our legs intertwined together to remain as close to his radiating warmth as possible with a new furred presence curled at the end of the bed, fast asleep already.

All the while, the two of us begin to slowly surrender to the peace and quiet that sleep offers.

Does it ever drive you crazy? That fact that anything in life can slip from your fingers in the blink of an eye just simply disappears overnight. Absolutely nothing is off-limits to the universe's grip on the projection of your life here on Earth.

But, I guess life is kind of fucked like that.

Driving down the streets of my city, my dad sits in the seat next to me and my mom in the backseat with their hands still loosely intertwined. Smiling as my dad and I happily scream to one of our favorites together, "and all I do is sit and think about you, if I knew what you'd do."

collapse my veins, wearing beautiful shoes

I drive through the concrete city while my mom sits in the backseat complaining about the song choice after hearing it so many times that she's absolutely sick of it. "It's not living if it's not with you!" My dad and I sing together while a burst of laughter leaves my throat as I glance over at him, and his warm brown eyes glow in radiant joy beside me.

and danny says we're living in a simulation

but he works in a petrol station

he says it all began with his operation

Light rain trickles down the front window as the wind-shield wipers squeak back and forth, clarifying my view. "And I know you think you're sly, but you need some imagination!"

and all i do is sit and think about you

if i knew what you'd do

The light from the building all around us blurs in the night rain, people walking down the street with umbrellas and friends, and cars parked along the curbsides along the glistening streets.

collapse my veins, wearing beautiful shoes

I pull out into an intersection, flashing my signal to make a left turn as the green glow from the traffic light above fills the effervescent hollow of the car.

"It's not living, if it's not–" ... with you.

I blink, I just blink and it all vanishes.

The immediate scream crushes my ears with overwhelming panic at the alarm in her voice. "Rora!" I hear a shrill of a voice, the moment of bliss snaps and it happens so fast.

The immense impact shocks my system as the car jolts and the glass shatters while I'm not in control of my car anymore. My car goes skidding across the empty intersection from the sheer impact, blowing us across the pavement.

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