{ Chapter 1 }

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"We're going to get you, Weasleys!"

The adults watched as the children ran after each other, waving their make believe wands (which were twigs they had found) in the air.

"Catch us, Potters!"

The children started firing imaginary spells at each other whilst the adults laughed at their silliness.

"Crucio!" Albus shouts.

"Stupefy!" Rose yells.

"Sectumsempra!" Louis bellows.

"Avada...erm? Koodoova?" A voice says from behind them.

This made the children stop what they were doing and turn round to see the youngest Weasley standing there....

With a real wand in her hand.

"What was the spell again?" She says, scratching the back of her head with the wand.

"Who's wand does Emery have there?" Arthur asks.

"I don't know, but somebody better grab it from her before she uses the killing curse on one of her cousins..." George says, chuckling to himself.

"Emery?" Fred calls out, walking towards her. "Who's wand do you have?"

Emery looks down at the wand before looking back up at her father.

"Yours dad. You left it on the table...again."

"Fred!" Arthur calls out. "What have I told you about leaving your wand about?!"

"Don't worry, dad!" Fred says, "it's not like she knows any spells."

"Expelliarmus!" Emery suddenly shouts, knocking the twig from Albus's hand.

"Oh Merlin!" Fred says. "Never mind! Emery, give me the wand!"

"No..." Emery says, holding the wand to her chest.

"Emery...give me the wand." Fred says, slowly walking up to her.

The young girl stares at her dad before sprinting into a run.

"Emerson!" Fred calls out, running after her.

Everybody laughs as they watch the pair run.

"Run Emery! Run!" James shouts.

Emery let's out a laugh as she runs around the back garden with Fred on her heels.

"Get back here your little weasel!" Fred says, reaching his arms out towards her.

Fred manages to grab Emery and gently pushes her to the ground where he manages to grab the wand off her and throw it next to him before tickling her sides.

"Daddy! Stop!" Emery squeals, trying to push his hands away.

"Will you stop stealing my wand?" Fred asks.

"Yes! I'll stop!" Emery replies.

Fred chuckles and stands up, pulling Emery onto her feet. He picks up his wand and puts it into his pocket.

"You'll no longer have to steal my wand when you go to Hogwarts in a few months."

Emery giggles.

"I can't wait to get my own wand!"

Fred chuckles nervously.

"As long as you don't use any of the spells on your cousins, you'll be just fine."

"Right everybody!" Molly calls out. "Where is the birthday girl?"

{ Little Weasley } - Emerson WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now