Chapter 1 - You know what I want

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Vics POV :

I knew what I wanted. I wanted nothing more than to have children with the love of my life, Obama. Since the day we fell in love, nearly two months ago now, our relationship has been running nothing but smoothly, without a single bump in the road. But there was just something about bringing a life to another human being and raising them as your own that made my body tingle. I wanted this and I was willing to do anything to get the wary Hawaiin to obey to my requests.

You see, the president was all too wary about my sudden interest in children and families. He shouldn't be suprised, what did he expect? We were in a serious relationship, 2 months! That is how ready we were. I knew I had to be sneaky, if said man knew that I was planning a way to convince him to let me get him pregnant, he would immediatley call it off, and I wouldn't get any of Baracks signature homemade cheesecake and damn would that be bad, my mouth watered at just the thought of the crunchy biscuit base, the delicious icing........okay I got sidetracked.

I racked my brain for a way to convince my boyfriend that having a family would be great and he would make a great father, afterall, he did have kids from the whore. Or Michelle, whichever. Vic really couldn't understand why Obama was being so hesitant to all of this, it's not like he hadn't been through it all before.

Before I had anymore time to worry, the man on my mind and the love of my life ran through the open door and skidded on the gold floor tiles, as he was wearing his Slipknot socks. He spun to face me and that is when I noticed his eyes were clouded with lust, his usual soft, comforting eyes were now dark and menacing, and I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on at all.

"Fuentagon, just the man I was looking for" Barack growled at me, making my skin crawl in the best way possible. I was liking this side of my president and I could definatley use his lust to my advantage. I took a step back in my mind for a moment, was I really that mean? Was I really going to use Obamas sensitive state just for my advantage? But then my mind came to sense again, of course I was. I was Victor Vincent Funtes III, everyone loved me, I was perfect and my voice just topped off my many other talents. I am going to use Obama in this state to start our family, he'd thank me later. Plus, it was a win win for me, I got sex and I got kids, this was great!

So, like the great boyfriend I was I snarled back a quick response of "the look in your eyes makes me crazy" whilst proceeding too push the taller man roughly onto the neatly made bed behind him.


I collapsed ontop of Obama, forming a giant pile of sweaty bodies. "That was great babe" said man told me, his voice was hoarse because he was pretty vocal, if you know what I mean. I smiled back at my perfect boyfriend fondly. I quickly sat up, remembering what my partner loved nothing better after sex, I ran off to recieve the lamp and large tweezrs.

Obama looked relieved when I returned with the lamp, his eyes holding such strong desperation that I felt terrible for even thinking about beginning to tease the elder man. I went and sat next to Obama on the bed and smiled apoligetically at him. "Sorry I took so long darling." I mumbled, really I was just feeling guilty about taking advantage of his state, and I think he was noticing as I'm never usually this nice. He usually has to force me to get the lamp, but here I was, willingly getting it. I knew he wasn't going to ask any questions though, he was far too nervous that I would stop, he wasn't going to risk anything.

Unscrewing the lightbulb with the tweezers was a task in itself, but then I had to get the lightbulb down Baracks throat before it went even remotley cool, as that would ruin the whole expierience for the man. He wanted pain, so that was what I was going to give him. Once I had unscrewed the bulb, the president was fidgeting badly, meaning he was on the edge of a breakdown, he wanted this so badly. I wasted no time in turning my boyfriends head and opening up his mouth wide, revealing his perfect teeth. I then proceeded to shove the burning lightbulb down his throat. A loud scream, well, as loud as a scream could be with a lightbulb shoved down his throat, came from the Hawaiin man but I knew the pain would soon fade into pleasure. After Barack had adjusted to the size and had stopped gagging I forced the lightbulb down as slowly as I could, centimetre by centimetre. Obama was writhing around beneath me and it was all I could do to not get turned on all over again.

When the president had stopped looking pleasured, I knew the lightbulb had cooled. Slowly, I pulled the lightbulb out of Obamas throat, I pulled it out of his mouth with a pop. The lightbulb was moist with my boyfriends salvia, but I didn't care about that right now, I threw the lightbulb off of the bed, it landed on the floor with a thud.

Barack smiled at me and said "thank you, I love you." He was looking right into my eyes and it felt like he was staring into my soul. I looked away slightly and repeated those three special words back to the love of my life before lying down and snuggling up to the man who was my world. Obama wrapped his arms around my waist and lent his head on my hair, I smiled at how lucky I was.

But still, something didn't seem right.

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