Chapter 12 - Morning After

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Upon waking up my mouth felt like I had been chewing on cotton, my head throbbed, and my eyes felt like sand paper. Looking around I noticed that I had somehow made it back to my dorm, after gathering my breath for a moment I decided to sit up. Bad decision. My head spun and my stomach twisted, I squeezed my eyes shut for a minute trying to calm my stomach before I lost whatever I ingested the night before all over my bed, or Clary's bed since I'm on her side of the room.

Feeling a bit panicky I glanced around the room, Clary was nowhere in sight, my heart thumped and I tasted metal, feeling naucious for a completely different reason now.

"Clary?" I called into the room, hoping she was under some blakets or something just out of sight, getting no response I stood up quickly. I immediately regretted that as I felt my stomach lurch, it was all I could do to reach the toilet.

Getting rid of the last contents of my stomach I sat over the bowl gasping and trying to remember what happened last night hoping to remember where Clary was. Hearing a moan behind me I jumped up, being much more conscious of my stomach now I carefully made my way to the shower, finding Clary just behind the curtain.

"Good morning hun," she mummbled, slightly smirking as she kept her eyes closed, I chuckled out of pure relief, glad I don't have to worry about her waking up in the woods somewhere between the school and Randy's.

Reaching down I helped Clary out of the shower, being careful so as not to upset her stomach, she has always been better at hangovers than me, I think it's because of her higher tolerance for alcohol built up from partying all the time.

Together we stumbled past the toilet as I flushed my contents down, then we sat on Clary's bed as it was closer to the bathroom.

"Oh that feels nice, I tell you Nicki, it is no picnic waking up in a shower, also could you be a dear, I left two Gatorade bottles in the mini fridge get them, they'll help with the hangover." I did as she said not questioning her expertise. After sitting for a moment in silence sipping our hangover juice I decided to question Clary about what she remembered from last night, hoping it was more than what I had to go on.

"You've wrecked your dress," I said referring to the emerald dress Clary was dawning, she had ripped it near the bottom, the long shear fabric was now hanging on by a few threads.

"Yeah I had to rip it so I could run faster," she said with a secret smile.

"What? Why were you running?" I asked bewildered, geez what on earth did I miss last night?

"I was running after you, you were mad at Gavriel for some reason and left the party, you wouldn't tell me what happened that got you so mad, and started running when I tried to question you, and when I asked Gavriel he said it was between you and him. I was actually hoping to ask you, what did happen? You seemed quite upset, what did Gavriel do?"

"I have no idea, I don't remember much of anything after eating those brownies..." I said confused and trying to remember why I would be made at Gavriel, maybe it was something about Jenn, but she was with Gabi and he was with Nicolas the last time I saw both of them.

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