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I decided to write a letter to grace. she hadn't been home in a few days. here is the letter.
My dearest amiga grace ver tree, you have been gone on some journey i am unararw of for many days now. i also have not seen much of my dearest harold. i feel as i mf if my life is crumbling. my two people in m6 life have gone missing. i hope you have not fallen off the earth or not n a ditch like i once was in my sage green audi. i am eating some pasti in in remembering rememberance if you, my best frwnd. i hope you come home soon. i miss you poorly. i miss the smell of your cheetah pants, and the smell of garry's pubes. nevermind. aven has just informed me that you are on a wekend getaway with my son called boy friend...i have now decided to leave the both of you for niall. i've always had a thing for blondes anyway. something about incest and draco malfor. also niall, of cours. it's for the best, you two deserve eachother. i hope you are happy, he always finds clitoris the best.
With the best interest in mind for u, your...idk what anywmore, Brooke.
Present moment: Brooke's pov:
so yeah. that's the letter i wrote to grace. i felewl so beeteayeed. sad. i hope she responds kindly. signing out until a letter is returnd. see you all soon. condolences on the drama.

Graces POV:
it's been a magically blissful weekend getting way. me and harry are taking a break from life at home. i said i was had to go find my spritial awakening. harry's excuse was that he had jury duty. sometimes my lover can be so stupid sometimes bc who the hell will ever believe that. anyhoe. i received a letter from brooke. somehow bc e how does she know where my location it. i'll get back to you once i read it !!!

fuck taco faldo fuck fuck ducin. turns hooky she found out abt me and harry's affair. honestly not surprised. ppl were bound to found out with all of our absences. she said she feels betrayed and sad but i don't really give a shit. she can go rot in a hole with her distance relatives... the rats. i think imma pretend that we r still friends bc i mean she gives me drugs when in need. i'm very grateful. you know i'm going to write a letter back to her.

dead brooke,
i hope this finds you in good health. im sending all my condolences that you lost your boy toy. guess i just give him things you can't. like better sex. im pretty good that that. but you know i didn't do it as revenge for anything. harry and i have a special connection that i've found with anyone else. i'll be back in a few days so that we can work this out. i really don't want to loose you as a friend and roommate bc you know i like eating pasti with you. but i would appreciate it if you stopped collecting my pubes.
we can work all this out when i return home. lots of love (sometimes)
sincerely secretive

p.s. u need to wash ur bed sheets bc harry and i had hot sweaty seggssss in ur bed <3

dead grace
i hope this dows not find YOU in good health. niall and i just had sex in your bed and we snuck into harry's house and did it everywhere after i got your keyldder l. consider it revenge. i hope you see dead, as i stated when i said dead grace. anyway. have fun being home less. you can live with stupid harry. he doesn't shave his butthole so have fun having to braid it every night. it was very taxtimg. also something else you should know ab him, he's in the mafia. have fun with that conversation. hel lost likely reach you how to bite a ear off. aven and i have both experienced this. anyway. back to my point. homelessness. niall has moved in, someone's gotta pay rent. and he isn't as mean as you and doesn't leave his pines pubes everywhere for me to sweep up like you did. much duck you grace poo. hoe die.


Deeeer my fucking nemo it brooke.
you suck. like actually. fuck you and niall. oh wait i already did. yeah one thing he didn't tell you was that we had a little thing going on a while back. i meant what i said when u collected my pubes. i found it under ur pillow. they were tied up in those small hair ties u use when YOU braid YOUR butt hole hairs. sucks2suc. so now imma go move to maine with harry bc that is what we have dreamed abt for years.

here's a pic of my pubes in case i miss them. i will plan on sending you a monthly collection of mine and harry's pubes. they will be mixed together so u don't know who's r whose. hahaha revenge at its finest. bye bye forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and be ever till you die a rotten painful cause of death. like falling off a cliff or something. idk i heard overdosejng on drugs is a painful way to die. or you know in that show euphoria where rue holds in her pee for ever. yeah do that. then my live will be full of happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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