Chapter 4 | From Dusk To Dawn

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Lumiere actually remained by the side of the road, inclining at the light post adjacent to. She wanted to stay there until the chillness of the downpour froze her heart, bursting with feelings.

"Hey there, rain," she murmured as though conversing with a companion. "It's you and me again this evening. Helps me remember the past times." She laughed daintily. It nearly seemed as though she's nostalgic, provided that her eyes weren't callous very much like at this point.

Just then, Lumiere started humming, but she decided to apply the lyrics. "Hello darkness, my old friend..." she sang with a whisper-like tone, only enough for her to hear.

"I've come to talk with you again." She gulped before continuing, "Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping—" She was cut off by her own sob, suddenly escaping her lips.

But instead of stopping, Lumiere continued, "And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains..."

A tear slowly slid from her eye, down to the nose, and finally dropped on the wet brick.

Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in as an unbroken stream. When that first tear broke free, the rest continued as a solid stream. Lumiere didn't even try wiping it away or recognizing its presence. She just let it. "...within the sound of silence." She sang, grasping the stitch of her apparel. Her throat kept down something between a cry and a yell. She stifled it energetically, yet it made her pant for air.

Be that as it may, each heave felt like it was destroying her throat. Nonetheless, she still managed to speak, "Wow, I am so ashamed of myself. What have I been doing while these stars are shining their asses?"

She inertly looked at the stars just as the enlightening moon. Under the dimness of the evening, they look more brilliant than at any other time.

"Should I just stay here since morning? I do not feel a tiny bit sleepy anyway. Moreover, it's been raining like crazy." Lumiere laughed at herself.

The good thing is nobody's watching me. That would be humiliating.

She was relieved, not until she recalled that one being.

"Hey, I'm warning you, don't be here. Because I never need you to know how you are hurting me. I have my pride, you know?" She laughed at herself, who was occupied with pondering a man who tossed her out of his home.

However, at that point, she figured, How would he realize that I'm crying anyway? Even if he's a reaper, I'm sure he won't be able to differentiate rain from tears because it's pouring so heavily.

Then, she thought of a good idea. "Right. No one is listening, and no one would even care, like always. I should just let it out, even just for once."

Lumiere bent forward, pressing her palms to her thighs, and yelled on top of her lungs, cursing the world and everybody in it. "Damn everyone! Stan, you son of a monkey! Who are you to boss around me? You're not even good yourself. Everyone knows that everything you had is because of your dad's money! Without it? Oh, you are nothing but a piece of trash! Dad, you are the biggest dummy of all! I sure hope that you will be darned with mom! I've always tried my best! Dammit! None of you deserve my love! Oh, and Grim? That bogus! How dare you make me feel like this, huh? You are the worst of them, you twat! Especially that Madame Le-shit! My face is not your toilet, don't you know? Why in the world would you spit on me, you old woman who reeks of bad odor! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!" But, under the loud clamor of the drizzle, it just mixed with the surging breeze.

After letting it all out, she turned upward with half-shut eyes. Resting her hand at the garbage bin behind.

"I feel sleepy all of a sudden," that was the last thing she said before falling asleep.

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