Chapter 3

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Alexiel Lucifen d'Austriche

I gently pulled my collar to convince myself that it would not make it less uncomfortable after the hundredth time. I could feel my whole body complaining at the uneasiness this formal wear gave as I walked in the hallway.

I knocked as I reached the front door of our room. "Rin?" I called.

I didn't receive any response for few seconds until I finally heard Rin called from the inside of the room. "Len, come in!"

I turned the knob and walked inside. I found her wearing only a nightgown-like dress and a crinoline, which I thought were suppose to go under the actual ball gown. Rin and the personal maid, who was holding a plain silk gown, turned their gaze on me.

I felt my blood rushed to my head. I dashed outside and shut the door behind me. "I'm sorry!"

Catching my breath, I leaned my back against the door until it was opened from the inside. I fell from my back and saw Rin upside down from my view. "What has gotten into you?

"Sorry," quickly stood up and turned my back, in a way I wouldn't see her. Even though we're twins, it felt awkward to see a girl getting dressed. "Well, mother expects us within a couple of minutes to announce our birthday in front of the guests."

"What a drag! Why can't they do it without us," she exclaimed.

I cleared my throat. I knew my next words would make her take those words back. "Also, Kyle has already arrived."

"Really?!" She said in a loud, excited voice.

"Princess Riliane, be careful with the dress!" I heard the maid said in an alarmed tone.

I heard rustling sounds of fabric behind me. It was taking longer longer than I expected. I remembered the white silk gown I saw, it wasn't like Rin to wear something plain and white during parties. This would be the first night of not wearing her favorite color in a special party, unless it was another gown that was suppose to go underneath, reason why she was taking forever. Just when I thought my clothes were uncomfortable, girls in ballgowns had it tougher.

"Len, what do you think?"

I turned around to see Rin in her elegant yellow ballgown with a black bow tied around her waist, and a touch of other black minor details. It matched perfectly with the black ribbon tied around her neck-level golden hair. Stunning.

"Len!" I heard Rin yelled as I came back to my senses. "Do you think Kyle will like it?"

I stole another look on my cute sibling, then I felt my lips gradually formed a smile. "He would think you're beautiful."

Her face turned red, then she shyly looked down at her feet. "Well then, let's go."

She took my hand and we walked outside the room to the hallway. Still holding hands, we were moving our way to reach another staircase as we saw a man, walking to the same direction, from afar. When we got close enough to recognize who it was, Rin let go of my hand and ran towards the person.

"Uncle Charles!" Rin cried. When he turned around, she jumped unto him as she gave him a bear hug.

"Riliane! How's my little princess?" Supporting her weight from the waist, he spun her in the air as she laughed joyfully.

"Uncle!" I yelled with excitement as I ran.

"Alexiel!" He said as he gently put Rin down next to me. He rested his hand on top of my head, "Happy birthday to the both of you."

It had been a while since we saw Uncle Charles. He was father's younger brother, and one of the special subjects of our kingdom. Since he was our only uncle, we grew very close to him and got to see him every day in the castle. But these past few months, he would come less often until he didn't showed up for a whole month.

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