Friend Zoned

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Y/N pov:I woke up this morning feeling groggy but happy.Today is my birthday!And my friend Carter is taking me skating!I did my hygiene thing and dressed in something casual but cute.(in media section)
After putting my outfit on,I grabbed my "Magcon" phone case and put it on my phone.I took a few pics to pass the time.I did that until I heard a honk outside so I grabbed my purse and phone then jogged downstairs.Before running out the door I grabbed a apple.With that I jumped into Carter's car.
Me:"Bruh if you don't stop yelling im gonna beat you senseless!!!"
Carter:"dang sorry.........uh Y/N?"
Me:"wassup?"(sounding nonchalant)
Carter:"Are you on yo thingy or are you just bipolar?"
I just stared at him like he had 3 heads.Did this boy just ask me if I was on my period or was I just bipolar?!?!
Carter:(looking at the road)"......well?"
Me:"No Carter!Thats private anyway nasty!"
Carter:(laughing)"my bad it's just that you blew up on me out of nowhere..."
Me:"My bad just stressed out with the exam coming up at school"
Carter:"it's cool......"
It was silent the rest of the way there.When we finally arrived,I got out and ran in.I love Moonlight Rollerway!(In Glendale of Cali)
Me:(dragging Carter)"Comeeee on Carter!"
Carter:"I'm coming.....btw can I tell you something?"
Me:"Yeah what up"             
Carter:Well I lo-(gco by fans)
Carter:"I love you so much more"
(Kisses her cheek which made her faint)
For some reason I was mad bruh!I wanted to stab that girl in her chest!Wtf?!?!Why do I feel this way!?!
Carter:(helps her up)So whats your name and .......number?
Fangirl:(squeals)Its Madison!!!And my number is 706-476-7044(made up)
Carter:(types it into his phone)cool,ill text you later beautiful(winks)
Madison:(giggles)bye(runs off)

Well I guess im Friend Zoned.
                        (Later on)
I was chilling at Carter's place when a whole bunch of guys came running in!
???:"Wassup Carter!"
Carter:"Hey Jack"(Jack G.)
Jack/G:"Uh wassup beautiful?"
Me:(blushing made hard)"Hey Jack right?"
Jack/G:"Yeah that's me.....hey can I get your number?"
Me:(smiling)"Yea its(your number)"
I think I like Jack now!!!

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