Council partners

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We walk around the school halls together on patrol. They and I round the halls as we observe behaviors as we were told to. They initiate, I take note. They remind me of my favorite shows as a child; how I would always rush to the television the moment I hear its opening theme. I would sit eagerly in front of it as I ate my meals, my attention, undivided.

They speak as stern as an army commander, though their meek tone may oppose it. They stand with their back straight, and chin just the right ways up as they humbly deliver. The way they look always seems to match with how they really are. It's like how I've always found it cool how television was made. I can't comprehend how wireless works, and regardless, I admire.

I stand behind the curtains as they make their decrees under the stage lights, taking diligent note of their words as they look to me with a smile. They are my favorite song.

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