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Y/N couldn't believe how quickly the day of her wedding had arrived. It was like since Shouta had asked her to marry her, she was constantly busy - working, saving up money, making arrangements for the ceremony and the food, sewing her wedding dress, inviting people (not that she had that many friends) and gathering up her meager belongings, so she could move out of her parents' house.

She didn't have much money to start out with and her parents had agreed to pay for food and drink and let them celebrate in their tavern. Not that Shouta and Y/N wanted a really big celebration, but there were relatives to think of and friends. Y/N decided to save money by reusing an old dress of hers. That's why she had to stay up so many nights, trying to finish the work on that dress. It was worth remodelling it into a wedding dress, however. It was so worth it.

Y/N really loved the way the dress looked on her - it was a dark blue dress, a very simple cut, but she had embroidered it with lace and beautiful patterns and once it was all done, it looked amazing. Y/N kept looking at it and tried it on and she couldn't wait to finally wear it on the actual day. She also improved her old veil and made it into a much nicer one, that would suit the dress. She didn't have any special shoes and she didn't have money for new shoes, but she managed to find an old pair of good leather shoes that she had finally grown into now, which looked nice with a bit of a clean.

Y/N was so happy when she had all her clothes together that she barely thought of anything else until her parents told her how many more things there were to take care of. Y/N loved making all the arrangements, but it was also a little bit of a nightmare. Either way, it would be great when the day finally came, at least she could be sure of that. Y/N could barely wait to finally be married to Shouta. Everything else they'd figure out after that, but she had heard that he had been promised a good position as an executioner in a neighbouring town, so maybe Y/N would even manage to leave this place behind and see something new. She always wanted to see more of the world.

Sure, the neighbouring town was not the world, but it was further than most women could hope to go in their lifetimes. Even as a man there would have been only rare circumstances under which she could have travelled far. Even so, travelling was dangerous, for anyone regardless of gender. There was the constant threat of being robbed, of having an accident, getting lost... it wasn't an easy thing to do. Not for a man, not for a woman and definitely not for a young orphan girl.

But that was all in the future. What Y/N would have to manage first of all was getting through the wedding ceremony. She had been dreaming of this day for so long, but now that it was finally here she was incredibly nervous. It was a warm day in summer and it was hot outside. Y/N could only imagine how hot and stuffy it had to be inside the church. She hoped she wouldn't faint... sometimes it happened that people fainted during mass, when it was really warm and stuffy in the church. That on top of the incense and the constant movement - sitting, kneeling, standing - could easily make people faint, especially the old and weak and vulnerable.

With how nervous she was, Y/N was sure she was going to faint outside the church already, but thankfully none of that happened. Her parents were there with her and they seemed happy enough, even though Y/N wondered whether they were a little resentful that Shouta was marrying her. Sure, they had to marry her off soon enough and they had known for a while that she really liked him. Y/N was never quite sure whether they really loved her like their own child or whether they had always wanted her as a cheap worker at the tavern, but when they told her they had given her and Shouta their blessing, Y/N knew that they really just wanted her to be happy.

When they got to the church, Shouta was already waiting there, with the priest and his parents. Y/N gave him a nervous smile, feeling a little bashful when she saw just how enamoured he seemed to be with her. Y/N felt very small all of a sudden, as if all that effort was maybe not enough for such a special occasion, but it was too late now. She greeted everyone - his parents, the priest and finally Shouta himself, who was all smiles for her, leaning in and kissing her cheek softly.

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