The Pauling

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I barely tried on this fic and it's a random story that I wrote based off of what my friend sent.

I barely tried on this fic and it's a random story that I wrote based off of what my friend sent

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Yeah basically it's just for fun and has no real plot.

Written by me and DIELANDthebest :))


It's just another normal night and I am home alone watching a movie when I suddenly heard weird noises. I slowly get up and quietly go investigate. Nothing upstairs, nothing downstairs, the only thing left to check is the basement. I go to the kitchen and grab a knife, then I start heading downstairs. I turned on the lights and in the corner of the room was... Paul.

I drop my knife in fear and shock and watch as Paul slowly approaches me. My eyesight went blurry as tears started to form in my eyes. I barely registered bumping into the wall. I look towards Paul and see him rubbing his hands together while smiling creepily.

"Hello!" I heard him say, "I'm Paul!"




So Paul isn't planning on murdering me? I thought. Just as I was about to get up and leave, I saw a giant snake hanging from the ceiling.


What an odd night, maybe I'm dreaming. I thought as I proceeded to bang my head on the wall to knock myself out. Nothing happened. I thought to myself that maybe it isn't a dream. Well damn.

Paul looks at me and says, "WhAT- Okay anyways, I like men-"

I asked him, "What are you going to do to me?"

Paul looks back and says, "BigBoyMen." in a weird way while making a weird face

I slowly back away not knowing if he's a friend or foe. I made my way back to put the knife back into the drawer. He followed me up the stairs and into my bedroom. I unplugged my phone as it was charging at that time.

"What are you doing?" Paul asked, looking confused.

Paul looked at me and said, "Is your mama calling you? It's past your bedtime".

"Why do you know my bedtime?" I asked. Creepy..

Paul said, "I've been watching you from a distance." Whatever Paul was saying seemed fake as I lived in the middle of nowhere. Well now that I think about it, the past few days it had felt like someone was watching me. However, that was only when I went to get groceries. It was a stand still, no one was moving and we were just staring at each other. I was thinking of what to do as I couldn't leave as Paul was blocking the door. I slowly inched my way over to the window, where I planned to jump out of and make a run for it. Paul saw what I was doing and slowly walked over to me. He grabbed my leg as I opened the window and dragged me towards the door.

At that point I had no Idea what was going on but I grabbed onto the headboard of the bed. I had this great Idea to let him drag me and once I get the chance I'll kick him and run out the door. So as he drags me I get one foot free and kick his hand getting my other leg free. I got up as fast as I could and ran out the door.

As I ran down the stairs I noticed he wasn't following me but I thought to myself that he'll jump me at any time. I made my way out the now broken door, however out there was Paul. Paul was waiting for me outside. I said to myself that he should have jumped out the window. I ran to my left and jumped the railing on my deck. I quickly ran to my car and opened the car door as fast as I could. I jumped in and grabbed the car keys from my pocket. I quickly put the keys in and started the car. While waiting for the car to start up, I locked the doors and made sure the windows were closed.

I decided to take a risk and look out of the corner of my eye. There in the back seats was Paul. He must have got in through the trunk at the back. I thought that now might be a good time to try to talk things out, but whatever I try doesn't work.

He looked at me and said "Let me drive your car," I tried talking him out of my car but he still insisted that he drive the car. I looked at him again and said, "I know nothing about you so I have no reason to trust you with my car."

Paul looked at me and said, " I know you and I've seen you being nice to strangers."

I told him that they're not strangers but friends I bump into every once and a while.

"Oh? I see." Paul said, "Why don't you trust me?" In response I told him, "Only because I met you today when I bumped into you at the gas station, that's why I Know your name."

I put the car in reverse and slowly moved backwards and onto the road. I ignored that Paul was in the back seat listing reasons why I should trust him with driving the car. In my head I was thinking of ways I can run from Paul and then I had the perfect idea. I'll go to the dry cleaner as it has a blind spot that you can see from the front where the counter is. I could go there and Pretend to pay for my monthly membership for using the  washer. Then I'll sneak out the back and I'll run to my friend's house down the street.

I put my plan in action, first stopping in front of the dryer place, I stepped in and called my friend telling him what I'm doing. Then I made my way to the counter and asked if I could go out and throw the back door behind the counter. The person working there said yes and so I made my way out back and ran to my friend's house. To make sure Paul doesn't get out I kept the engine running so he could listen to the radio and since it had little to no gas left inside of it's tank it'll keep the door locked. The lock system on my car works if the key opens it or if it's open from the inside, but it only works if there's gas. So I basically trapped him in the car.

I arrived at my friend's house. Surprised that I was early he asked, "Why are you here so early?" In response I told him, "I was in the area and then my car broke down. It's at the repair shop right now so I thought I'll crash on your couch for the night." I gave a fake smile, not telling him about Paul.

I'll be safe here. I thought to myself. He said to me "Let me see your car, I'll try fixing it, you know I like tinkering with stuff."

As I was going in my friend spotted a guy walking down the street. He looked at me and asked, "What's that guy doing in the middle of the night walking down the street?" I knew exactly who it was so I pushed him inside and told him to lock the door and to close the blinds. As I closed one of the blinds I saw him making his way down the street and on to my friends front lawn with an axe. I then soon made my way to the front door as I noticed that my friend forgot to lock it. The door slipped open leaving a huge hole in it. Paul peaked his head and said "HeRe paUl."

I woke up with a start. I was gasping for air, I was back in my bed. Suddenly I realised it was all just a dream and nothing was real. Paul didn't chase me, he didn't break into my friend's house. Paul was j-ust that guy I bumped into at the grocery store. But then there was a weird noise coming from the basement.

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