into the attic part 2

92 1 4

Mono pov

I'm worried should I have left her alone? I shake my head and pick up the key from the taxidermied hand that lays beneath me. I hear footsteps behind me, I make a quick turn. To see a pale figure rase across the room.
I follow in proust chasing after the cone shaped figure.
I follow it into a candle lit room. Giant shelves with wheels are scattered around the room. But my attention is quickly drawn to the topshelf of the shelves beside me. The pale figure stands on Unmoving.

Y/n pov

I feel hands shake me awake, my hands instinctively grabs his wrist and prise them off. I look up in search for his eyes but in turn I find nothing but black cut in circles of his bag. He flinches and I instantly remove my hands. 'sorry' he's quick to answer me 'oh it's fine' and within seconds he's helping me up from the floor and dragging me to a pillar. He points at some sort of lever 'I need you to turn that for me but only when I climb onto that chunk of shit'his thumb points over his shoulder.
'I know I do believe I have eyes but thanks for your oh so kind explanation'. My voice rings with sarcasm. Mono seems taken back. And without a question mono turns away and climbs onto the tied luggage. The levers hard to move at first but I make do. Within seconds I hear a clink and a thud. When I look up mono has already tied the key onto him. I let go of the lever and it turns the other way, letting the big sack hit the ground. Mono looks at me and urges me over. And when I don't come he calls me over 'come on shard or are you afraid?' I nearly felt a blood vessel pop but I try my best to ignore his comment. 'I'm not scared ' I answered while walking over. I hear him hum and it's obvious he doesn't believe me.
Walking up beside him. He grabs my hand making me let out a Squeak. Before pulling me to a ladder.
"You can go first"
He gestures.

I give him a nod before climbing down.
Mono is fast down after me being fast and  Diligent. When he gets close to me I make my way to the back door

I'm not dead :>

Also isn't tobi from naruto the cutest?
He's a adorable pumpkin  O////\\\\O

love me (mono x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu