Mistakes Were Made

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His drink shook in his paw.

What the fuck had he done?

His gaze shifts to Carol, his glossy eyes staring at her. She felt as though he could see right through her. She trembled, trying her best to maintain eye contact. Her paws trembled as she set her phone back on the counter.

"Marcel," Carol spoke, voice wavering, "why?"

Marcel took a swig of his liquor.

"What the fuck do you mean why, Carol?"

"Why did you cheat?"

"I don't see why you're surprised, Carol! God... I cannot stand you. I can't believe you're acting like this!"

Carol straighted up, moving slightly towards Marcel.

"Acting like this?" She yelled, "Marcel, you cheated on me!! How is any of this my fault?"

Marcel drunkenly chuckles to himself, turning away from Carol. He begins to stumble back into the kitchen.

"Ok Carol, whatever you say," he slurs as he disappears behind the door.

Carol follows. She's not done with the conversation.

"Marcel! Get your ass back in here! We're not don't talking about this!"

Marcel drinks more of the cocktail in his hand. He looks Carol up and down before flipping her the middle finger.

Carol just stands there in disbelief. How could this be happening? The man she's loved for 10 years, cheating on her with a rat from the rival restaurant. Does Marcel even care about Ratatoing? About Carol?

"Marcel, please," Carol pleads, striding closer to her lover, "please can we talk about this?"

"I don't know what you want me to say, Carol"

She blinks her tears back, breath wavering.

"Why'd you do it?"

"I had to."

The room goes silent as Marcel slowly goes back to cooking. It's as if the whole world is moving in slow motion. Carol watches as he stirs his cauldron of goo. His eyes stare lifelessly into the pot.

It's a full minute before he's able to speak up again.

"I couldn't let the restaurant go, Carol," Marcel speaks with a sigh, his sight still glued to the cauldron.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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