9. Newfound vigor

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Camila looked at her reflection in the mirror and she didn't like what she saw. It wasn't about her aspect, in fact she looked perfectly normal: her hair was neatly combed, her skin flawless, her make up on point. At the same time though, she couldn't recognize herself. Her mouth always appeared as a hard, straight, stern line, and the glimmer that used to shine in her eyes was long gone. She was tired of feeling like an outsider inside her own body. She had let hurt and sadness morph her into a faded version of the woman she once was, but now she had enough. It was time to fight back.

She realized it was useless to mope around and wish that things had been different. The past was gone, and she couldn't change it. Besides, she missed her old self. She had always been so sparkly and full of hope, her mind full of wonder and her spirit unbeatable. She used to be the best in whatever she did, she was confident and had no fears. And now she wanted that version of herself back.

Stepping into work with her newfound vigor, she was determined to show to everyone how badass she really was. Caffeine flowed in her system which fueled her like gasoline on fire. Before lunchtime, her office space was perfectly organized, and on her desk laid a small pile of files of which she had already taken care of. By mid-day she had interacted with at least a dozen colleagues, displaying her best smile and personality traits, making small talk inside the copy room, or nibbling her salad in the break room.

As she inspected one of her dossiers, a laid-back shadow made its way in her visual range. «Did you do coke or something? 'Cause if that's the case, you have to know that in this workspace we share»

Camila snorted out a laugh. «I bet you wish it, Connor. But sadly for you, nope, no white powdery substance ever entered this body»

Connor plopped down on a chair in front of her desk. «You're lame. But seriously, why are you so... fueled today?»

«Just get used to it. This is what I normally look like, the woman you had met up to this moment wasn't the real me» she shrugged. Silently, she cursed herself for ever letting some bumps along the road turn her into that weak and pathetic mannequin-version of herself.

«Well, that's good to know» he exclaimed with indifference. «So, how long before you decide to move your ass from that chair and follow me outside this place?»

«Don't you ever work?»

Connor scoffed and waived his hand as to underplay it. «Don't use the w-word with me, it stresses me out. And don't you worry about it, I wouldn't still be here if I, you know, didn't do what I have to».

Camila rolled her eyes and shook her head, then brought her focus back on the documents under her nose. «Sorry, C. But I really can't go out tonight. I have a meeting with Mr. Gold tomorrow, and I have to be prepared for it. I'll probably spend my night trying to figure out how to win this case».

«You know that man is freaking shady, right? If you're trying to find an honest way to win, well, good luck». Connor stood up and left the room winking at Camila.


The next day, while Camila was sitting at her same place, the man in front of her was far more obnoxious than what she had expected. He wasn't only shady and arrogant – something that she already knew – but he also smelled like whisky and cigars, and his gaze kept on lowering on Camila's cleavage. She really wished she was wearing a turtleneck.

«All right, Mr. Gold, shall we start? There's a lot we need to discuss today».

The sixty-something-years-old man relaxed on the armchair, sinking his weight on its leathered surface. «Take it easy, sugar, I'm sure you already know what you have to do».

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