Chapter 7

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Laughter surrounded the fire as the group looked up at the stars, the fire biting at their toes. This was a teenage dream, surrounded by friends and happy; this group of odd-ball kids made a family. It wasn't long before they all began to fall asleep, all cuddled up near the fire as it warmed them up. As they slept Celestial tossed and turned in her sleep, whimpering softly as she did.

Opening her eyes she was met with the same darkroom as before it slowly lit up, her eyes darted around as the man materialized in front up her. His pasty white skin made Celestials have color as he smirked down at her, bending down her turned her head side to side.

"You're a strong twat aren't you? I'm not going to lie, you're beginning to grow on me, too bad I'll have to kill you. Or..."

A dangerous glint appeared in his eye as he pulled Celestial close to him.

"I could kill them and take yo-"


Celestial interrupted at she struggled against his grip, as soon as she was away from him she created an icebox to keep him away from her. Breathing rapidly as she tried to stabilize her breathing, it was honestly becoming hard to breath.

Shooting to a sitting position Celestial gripped her chest as she panted for breath, the rest of the group looked at her as she scrambled to get up and began to yell curses at the sky. Several long curse word filled sentences and several ice blocks later; Celestial was curled up in Inuyasha's lap mumbled random nonsense to make everything worse the moon was still in the sky. Glaring at it as she picked at her food.

"Celestial? What's the matter? You woke up panicked and when you finally stopped panicking you went into a rage fit and yelled at the sky."

Sango asked, her voice laced with confusion.

"I'm okay, just an old "Friend" visited me in my dreams. They were rude so I yelled at them."

The albino girl spoke as she glared at the moon and blew on her food to cool it down, it wasn't long until the sun rose. It was mindless chatter amongst them before Shippo perked up.

"Oh hey guys? Shouldn't we be getting back now? It smells like it's gonna rain."

The group quickly finished picking up; and as predicted it began to rain. First the girls screamed before they started to laugh, the youngest of the groups insisted on jumping in every mud puddle not that anyone minded. Soon the girls began to run, their hair dancing wildly as it fought against the wind to stay up in the air. Kagome slipped in some mud and pulled the other two down with her. Mud covered and laughing, the three looked like children, the boys stared at them with the faces of 'what the hell?'. Rin and Shippo decided to join them in the mud but they were grabbed mid-air by their respectful father-like figure. Whines of "Come on!" and "You're no fun!" Came from the two as the girls were pulled out of the mud, brushing off their clothing the best they could they began to shiver. The cold air nipped at their skin as they ran back to the same familiar house, falling through the animal hide door they laughed and rushed to get by the fire. Kaede scolded them for dirtying their clothes but handed them hot tea nonetheless, the boys entered not long after. Smiling softly as they thanked her for the tea, the younger ones didn't want any but took it to hold the warm cups. Quietly giggling as they talked, the older kids sat around the fire talking. The sight made Kaede smile and sit back to watch them and let them have fun. She missed those days.

"Hey! Why don't you all come to the Obon Festival with me!"

Celestial looked up from her cup as Shippo hopped over and asked.

"What's that?"

A smile played it's way across her lips as she began to tell them about the festival. The music, the food, the games, the rides, the Shrines, and the fireworks.

Why Do I (Not) Hate you? (Currently On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon