Haunted Manor Island

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Y/n: *walking around Colby's house*
C: *wakes up and comes downstairs* Hey love, I woke up and you weren't in bed, everything okay?
Y/n: *looks at him* Yeah I'm okay, just got hungry *shows a box of cereal*
C: Why don't I make you something to eat? Eggs? Pancakes? What would you like?
Y/n: *thinks and mumbles under her breath* Why don't I have you for breakfast?
C: What love?
Y/n: Oh I said pancakes are good *blushes*
C: Mhmm okay, wanna help?
Y/n: Yeah, of course. *starts making batter for pancakes*
C: *wraps arms around Y/n's waist* You look beautiful this morning.
Y/n: *smiles* Not too shabby yourself love.
C: *turns Y/n around* Well how bout now? *Kisses Y/n*
Y/n: Mmm, as always you look dashing. What's this on your face?
C: *touches his face* Where?
Y/n: Right here *takes her hand that is covered in flour and drags it down his face*
C: Oh you sly bunny
Y/n: *smiles* well I'm your sly bunny *winks*
*Sam walks in*
S: Yo! What's up Colby? Woah who's this?
C: Hey bro, what's good? Oh this is my… girlfriend Y/n.
Y/n: *smiles* Hey Sam, how ya been?
S: Well it's nice to meet you Y/n.
Y/n: Right back at ya.
*Sam gestures Colby to follow him*
S: *whispering* I thought you didn't have a girlfriend?
C: *whispering* We've been talking for a while, she came over last night and we got to talking and things happened from there.
S: I don't need details, but she's cute
C: Yeah she is *smiles*
Y/n: *calls from the other room* Batter's done! I'm starting the eggs!
C: Coming love! *gestures to Sam "come on"
Y/n:  Sorry if I interrupted anything, just wanted you to know
C: *grabs waist* You don't have to apologize love. We were just talking.
Y/n: Okay, Hey Sam!
S: Yeah?
Y/n: Wanna stay for breakfast?
S: Sure could always use something to eat.
Y/n: Great! How many eggs?
S: Two please, Sunny side up.
Y/n: You got it.
C: *starts cooking the pancakes*
Y/n: Thank you, love.
C: No problem.
*Y/n,C, and S eat breakfast*
S: So where do you want to go next Colby?
C: I was thinking an island, something with history, abandoned places, or haunted ones.
Y/n: I know one
S: Really? What's it called?
Y/n: It's name is Haunted Manor Island. Apparently there's this extremely haunted manor there, and no one has been able to stay overnight because of how scary it is. It's haunted by this hybrid werewolf vampire thing. Legend has it he comes out at night and stalks his prey and when he's ready to attack he gets in the mind of his prey, lures them away from the rest and kills them. There's over a hundred missing people to this day that haven't been found.
C: Sick how did you find out about it
Y/n: Oh it popped up on my feed the other day, didn't I tell you about it?
C: No
Y/n: Oh, I thought I did
S: When's the soonest we could go
Y/n: Hold on let me look *scrolls through phone* there's a ferry that leaves 3 days from now from the coast of Hawaii
S: You guys want to go?
C: Fuck yeah brother
Y/n: *stays silent*
C: Do you want to come?
S: I said you "guys" as in both of you.
Y/n: Oh yeah I'd love to go, you want it to just be the three of us?
S: Yeah why not
C: I don't see a problem with that
Y/n: Okay great just got to swing by my apartment, shower, and get some clothes, and then I'll be ready
C: I'll drive you
Y/n: Okay
* Y/n stops by her apartment and gets ready for the trip*
*Meanwhile at Sam's*
S: Colby, can I ask you something?
C: Yeah
S: How long do you think you guys will last?
C: What do you mean?
S: Relationship wise, how long?
C: Well I hope for awhile, I trust her, she wouldn't hurt me *bing*
S: Who's that?
C: It's Y/n, She's ready
S: I'll get ready, I'll see you soon brother
C: Ight
*Drives over to pick up Y/n *
Y/n: Hey baby, are you okay?
C: Yeah, Sam just asked me a weird question
Y/n: What did he ask?
C: Asked about how long I thought we'd last
Y/n: As a couple?
C: Yeah
Y/n: Well, what were your thoughts on it?
C: I told him that I trusted you and that you wouldn't hurt me.
Y/n: I would never *places her hand on his arm* I want to spend the rest on my life with you
C: As do I *kisses Y/n *
Y/n: Let's get ready for an adventure
C: Let's do this
*Drives to Sam's*
S: What's good my dudes?
Y/n: Are you ready for an adventure?
S: Hell yeah
C: Let's do this!
Sam and Colby do the intro into their new video they shout out Y/n and Colby starts driving as Y/n and Sam start explaining what they are gonna be doing. You get to the airport race inside and get on the plane to go to Hawaii. Soon enough you arrive and get off the plane.

Y/n: Wow, it's so beautiful here.
C: Right! Have you ever been here
Y/n: No I haven't, this is my first time, it's beautiful
S: *nods* It is, let's get to the hotel and get some sleep for tomorrow
C and Y/n: Let's go

You all get to the hotel room and put your stuff down.

S: Only 2 beds
C: That's okay, we'll sleep together *nudges Y/n*
Y/n: *smiles*
S: Alrighty

  It becomes dark and you are so jetlagged you just wanna go to bed.
Y/n: *yawns* I'm so tired, I think imma get some sleep, goodnight boys
C: Alright love, I'll be there soon
Y/n: Okay
S: Goodnight Y/n
Y/n: Night sam

  You go to sleep and the boys stay up for about another hour, hour and a half just talking and trying to do some research on the place they'll be going tomorrow, with little to no luck they give up and decide it's time to go to bed

C: Let's get some sleep brother
S: Yeah I'm tired, see you at 8am

C: Goodmorning beautiful
Y/n: Mmm good morning handsome
S: Goodmorning love birds, let's get this show on the road!
C: Let's do it, *gets up* I'm gonna shower real quick
Y/n: Okay, I'll hop in the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth, see you when you get out
C: Okay
S: I'll stop by the lobby and get something for us to eat
Y/n: Thanks Sammy
*Everyone gets ready to go*
*Gets on the ferry*
Y/n: The sun feels nice
C: Yes it does

  Everyone gets to the island and we have free reign because no one but us not even security is here. We have the whole island to ourselves but we came for one thing and that thing was the giant ass Manor that makes this place look so scary. We mess around until nightfall, Sam as per usual wants to do a ritual and a Ouija board session to see if we can talk to the sports that are trapped here and maybe the hybrid himself if he so chooses to speak. We get done with out adventure and the boat horn goes off and we race to the beach, after a very eventful night we are all ready to leave this island.

S: That was such a rush! Wow! Thank you Y/n.
Y/n: No problem Sam, it was fun, scary as shit, but fun.
C: I'm just glad we're all safe
Y/n: Yeah I agree
S: *smiles*
Y/n: What are we gonna do now?
C: We could go to the pool
Y/n: Yeah!... Shit I didn't pack my suit
C: Oh shit, we can go to the store and get one
Y/n: Okay
S: I'll see you guys there
Y/n: Okay
C: Okay

I get .y suit and me and Colby go back to the hotel room and get everything situated he wants to be all sexy and leave marks all over me but he can't bc then Sam will know and be weirded out even though he has a girlfriend himself Kat. We finish up and run down to the pool.

C: *sees Sam* He's over there
Y/n: Alright

We meet up with Sam and have the best night of our lives, Sam and Colby post all about it all over Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, you name it they've posted to it.

Y/n: Wow what a trip!
C: Right! It was awesome
S: Yeah! Well imma head home, talk to you later brother
C: See ya brother
Y/n: What do you wanna do now that we're home?
C: *picks Y/n up as he wrap her legs around his waist* Why don't we...have some fun? Hmm?
Y/n: I'd say it's well deserved
C: Mhmm *starts making out with Y/n*
Y/n: *feels him grow and moans into the kiss*

They get lost in eachother and Colby walks them upstairs to his bedroom and it's getting heated. He's holding your hands above your head making out with you, leaving his scent and marks all over your naked body, making you beg for more. He keeps going until you both climax and he falls onto the bed next to you.

Y/n: It's always so good
C: You taste amazing
Y/n: *laughs* thank you
C: Round 2?
Y/n: Let's go

You and Colby go again two more times, each one better then the last, you both get super sleepy.

Y/n: I don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow
C: *laughs* oh really?
Y/n: Yeah haven't had it this good ever
C: So I'm at the top of the list?
Y/n: Honey you are the list
C: Lol nice
Y/n: *smiles*

You both fall asleep holding eachother. Until next time..

                            The End

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