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Today is the day of the big meeting God Of Rock planned. He's not going to be there, obviously. He has other matters to attend to. Anyway, he planned this meeting because Lou and Grim Ripper were striking back again and he needed some more experienced musicians to help him.

I was at Izzy Spark's house to help him get organised, something he lacks in a lot. But today not only him being physically unorganised, but mentally. He's a very confident guy with a big personality so this was very unusual of him. "Iz, are you sure you're ok?" I ask concerned. "I'm fine, I'm fine. This will be like every other social gathering I'm involved in. I don't understand why you're so concerned, I'm completely ok, excited even!" He answered with a forced smile.

One thing I learned from being his friend is that he sucks at lying. Like the time he threw up from being drunk but kept on saying he's sober, then he threw up right in front of me again and passed out on the couch. I guess that little trait of his is cute, but he literally had a can of Emu Export in his hand. He was not the happiest person the next day after waking up hungover.

But, going back to the subject of the meeting, I was already pretty prepared because I am already one of his allies alongside Johnny Napalm, Axel Steel and Lars Ümlaüt. Before you ask, yes, they're also coming to the meeting. Same with Johnny's girlfriend, Judy Nails. Great.

Izzy ran to the bathroom to do his hair and spray it. His hairspray is like his emotional support. I bet a thousand dollars that he spent more money on hairspray than actual supplies for his career. "Izzy, I know when you're lying. It's so obvious."

He pouts, another habit of his. It's actually pretty adorable. "Fine. I am a little bit stressed I just... don't like meeting new people this way."

Finally he admitted something. Although I'm glad he told me that, I'm quite surprised that even though he's a major social butterfly he is terrified of meeting these new people.

As an attempt to be reassuring, I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "You don't need to worry about these new people. They're really nice and would never hurt anyone unless needed, that's why they're all at the meeting." I then traveled my hand to his other shoulder  "The boss made this meeting mostly so we can get to know each other and it will be just like having a conversation with a friend. I'll be there too."

We had a long pause before he replied, "Yeah... I can do it. Will you sit next to me though?" "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" He looked at me with his charming grin, "Better." He laughed quietly and so did I. I like these little moments I get to have with him. "So you all good now?" Smiling even wider, he answered, "obviously."

Izzy's back to normal now. Yayyyy.

I looked at him up and down. "But, before we go, you need to put a shirt on." I explained. Izzy looked down at his shirtless body. "whatever," he looked at himself in the mirror "I guess I'll dress a little bit formal for the occasion."

Before he went to his room I quickly grabbed one of his.. breasts and squished it. He stopped before elbowing me and laughing loudly. "Hey, what was that for?!" Me, trying to speak without laughing my head off again was able to manage saying "I'm *weeze* gonna miss *weeze* your big.." before I was able to finish my sentence I started hysterically laughing and Izzy was too. "Caseyyy you know they're always here for you, happiness is temporary but big man boobs are forever."

He walked ahead of me and went to his messy drawer. "Dude, imagine how dumb I'd look with this!" He said while showing me a black button down with a skull pattern. "I'm surprised you even have that." He gave me a quick laugh and told me that it was all for some family reunion he had to attend and how his sister has a crush on Kurt Cobain and was a total dick the whole time. "I think you should wear that," I said seriously. "It suits you." He stared at me with a smile, "you think so?"

Let's be honest, that is the most formal thing in Izzy's drawer.

He puts his arms through the sleeves and started to button up the shirt from the bottom. I watched as his refined abs disappear within the cloth. "A little privacy please?" He asked while chuckling.

I left Izzy's room and headed to the bathroom. I was wearing a black midriff with a leather jacket and black jean shorts with doc martens the same colour. Around my hips was a black belt as an accessory. My hair was in a low ponytail , my eyelids had dark eyeshadow and eyeliner whilst my lips stayed the same. After a couple seconds of looking at my outfit I realised some of my hair was out of place.

I slicked it back,  grabbed Izzy's hairspray and sprayed the area to hold it still. Keep in mind I am very privileged to even touch his precious hairspray.

After a while of me adjusting my outfit, I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom before bumping into Izzy. He smiled and asked, "What do you think?" I looked at his outfit, he was wearing the button down we picked out with a little bit of the buttons undone at the top and a pair of black pants he picked out himself. "If I have to be brutally honest, it looks good but also extremely bland." "Knew there was some thing off about this! Come with me."

He pulled me to his room "So, which jacket would suit the shirt?" He questioned while opening his closet. It took me a couple of seconds to figure out what jacket would suit his button down. Finally I picked out a black jacket with a big skull embroidered on the back.

"This one literally matches the shirt so well, try it on." I finally replied. As so he put it on and looked in the mirror of his bedroom.

I don't think he understands how amazing he looks in everything, I don't know how I know, maybe it's just his long hair I am attracted to.

"Dude, this looks so sick!" I don't use that sort of slang but I've been alive long enough to know what it means, I'm glad he likes it. I gave him a smile. "You ready to go now?" I asked. "Hold on..." He looked around his room and found a black Wolfmother cap. He walked back to me and placed it on my head, pulling my ponytail through the hole. "Ok now we can go." He picked up his guitar, so did I, and then we left his house. While going to my van I offered to drive, so he opened the driver's door . "ladies first." I got in and he went to sit in the seat next to me , giving me a smile.

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