On the road again

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Honestly, I never actually considered what I'd do if I had a literal music genre in mine and a couple others hands. I was just expecting to enjoy my thirties as a musician and growing out my moustache. But nope, I hope my midlife crisis doesn't come too early, that would be a nightmare.

Anyway, this whole meeting thing is very important and it is mandatory for me to come (not really, just feels like it), so here I am in the car listening to The Rolling Stones driving.

I would've went with my friend Eddie Knox and made him drive me there, but it's double demerits this weekend, and if someone is getting humiliated it is not gonna be me.

I got a e-mail two days ago about who else his coming and some of their names are rather... interesting. Literally, who has a bomb as their last name? I thought my name was strange.

The most messed part about this is that the guy who planned the damn thing isn't even gonna be there! Like why bother even inviting us to this thing if we're not gonna see the big boss making us do this.

Well, I can't say I'm forced into this, it really isn't mandatory to be a part of it, I just joined because if other very much trained professionals can't make peace then I'll do it myself. At least it will be something I'll regret when I'm even older and wrinkly.

Anyway, the destination we're all meeting at is really far away from my house (about an hour) so I left pretty early. Not like it helped much because now I'm stuck in traffic. I looked in the mirror on my sun shade and finger combed my moustache while waiting.

If you really wanna grow a moustache as beautiful as mine, you better take care of it properly. Like using the right products, brushing it and a lot of patience. Nobody understands how many times people asked me to shave my honour and joy for people that need hair, usually I'd be up for giving to charities but I am not giving my beautiful baby away.

Finally after a while, we were moving again. I'm not so far from where we're all going (Axel Steel's house), but it's still several kilometres away. Still not regretting going on my own, though. I bet that Ed will be running late again because he would be pulled over, he's not getting any financial support from me though because I'll be too busy laughing at him.

I remember him telling me all the times he got in trouble when he was young and how whenever he got really mad at his parents he told them that when he grows up he'll be able to whatever he wants and he won't see his parents ever again.. after the third time of saying that he got sat down and had a lecture, his family reminds him of that every time he visits. Hopefully he won't be too big of a deal.

If he upsets someone he's getting a big old spanking on his bottom as if I was his grandmother, in front of anyone.

Aside from Eddie Knox's mischievous childhood, I am actually pretty close to my destination now. I sat through one and a half albums from The Rolling Stones and traffic and I'm about to make it! Woohoo! I can almost see the house now.

* * *

I can successfully see his house now and the cars parked in Front of it. As I approach the house I scan available areas to park, I ended up choosing a area on the road and park there. I turn the stereo off, unbuckle the my seatbelt and left my car while locking the door. I walk to the house in front of us as everyone outside stares at me as they walk with me.

I know my moustache is too beautiful for you to handle, I know.

I look at my peers, they look like they're at most in their late twenties.. I wish I radiated such youth as them... We entered the house only to be greeted by the owner. The lighting is a warm, orange colour and the interior was pretty messy except for a brown wooden table everyone was sitting at.

"Xavier Stone.. Pandora.. Clive Winston.." he stopped everything and stared at me in pure fear. "... nice moustache." He told me. I replied with a quick thanks and walked to the dining table where everyone was sitting.

I sat down on a seat with two spare seats either side of me. I took out my phone and messaged Eddie Knox. "Better come quick before both seats next to me are taken" I continued staring at my phone for a reply, two minutes later he finally did so, "sorry! Got pulled over I'll be there ASAP." I let out a small laugh with a big smile.

A man around my age with dark skin and an afro taps me on the shoulder and asks "Are you... ok?" I turned to look at him. "Yeah I'm fine, a friend of mine got pulled over." He covered his mouth "Isn't it double demerits this weekend?" "Yup." "Oooh he's gonna be dead" he said while laughing. "So, what's your name?" He question me. "Clive, Clive Winston." "Cool, Xavier Stone. Nice to meet you." I have definitely heard of him before. I accept his handshake offer politely.

"so, what musicians are you into?" Xavier asked, breaking the silence. "A lot, mostly The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd." "Me too! I mean like, I don't really listen to much of The Rolling Stones but I am a huge fan of Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles!" Booyah, socialising. "I like the Beatles too. So, what brings you here?" I ask as proper and politely as I can. "To finally make peace I guess." What is going on, he's just like me. "Me too." "Really?" "Yeah." And then we had a whole conversation about music and world peace, until Eddie Knox came in.

I heard who I assume was Axel Steel in the background writing his and another person's name down. "So, so sorry I'm late." Eddie Quickly said as he bursts through the door with the other person (open, don't worry.) "Calm down my guy the meeting hasn't even started!" Axel reassured. Everybody in the room was looking at him. He looked at them in embarrassment and then took the seat between Xavier and I.

"So, now that everybody is here, we may as well start the meeting." Axel started. "First, we'll start by introducing ourselves. Starting with..." he smacked the mohawk guy's head, "this hottie."

A laugh came out from the two. "Wait wait wait..." Axel interrupted, referring back to his script. "Before we start, would anyone like to ask a question?" A lady with white hair and blue streaks asks, "Regarding the roll call you had when we walked through the door, how could you identify out names just by looking at us?"

"Uhh good question! People that are already members of the alliance sent us photos of everyone else here!" A tall blonde man a seat from me looks at Axel and let's out a small oh no. I gave Eddie Knox a death stare, he pretended to not notice although it was so obvious. I know that he is friends with one of the people in the alliance and he sent them a photo of me when I had my mullet. Those were the days when I didn't feel old.

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