Luke-Because She Doesn't Know

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It was the only excuse I could think of: It’s just because she doesn’t know. 

She didn't know the truth about Ken, the truth about Sirens. She, just like me, didin't know what that evil guy was plotting about her! She was entirely clueless on the fact that he wasn't the friend, but the enemy!

She thinks she lives in a world of all humans I scoffed to myself  

But the truth was, the only human she knew was Justine. No one else around her could be defined as ‘human’.

On the other hand, I, as the newest and the seventh member of The Committee, had been given the job to manage the strongest one of the First ones: Ken Glesson.

It is also my misfortune, that I am a Siren. I told myself, annoyed.

I wasn't sure which one of my parents was a Siren, because I hardly had much memory of them.

I did remember my brother, though.

Derek was a Siren I reminded myself the criteria that had earned him most of mom's attention a noble.

They had all been killed, by a bloody, rotten, good for nothing First One.

That night, a female First one killed my parents and my brother, but before she left, she also softly sang me to sleep.

Another turn of cruel fate. That song awakened my Siren side. I guess the only good thing that happened to me after that was meeting Sarah.

 But maybe my life was a series of unfortunate events, because there she was, in the arms of another man, embracing him.

I quietly shut the door and left.

My attempt to create misunderstandings seemed to have failed too. All the more reason for her to hate me.

Life is so…cruel, don’t you think?

Where am I going? I scolded myself  I can’t go anywhere, as his manager, I’m supposed to sit and wait for him to come out. I collapsed against the wall and sat down on the floor, annoyed beyond compare.

It was as if a dagger had been pushed through my heart.

It was the first time I felt like I had lost something. The first time when I realized I was no longer human, Sarah was the only one who made me feel human. Pretending like every single person I saw was nothing but human, was like creating a separate paradise for myself.

One might argue about getting the feeling of losing something, saying things like: what about the time when my parents were killed? And what of the time when I was turned into an unclassified Siren?

Back then, I hadn’t lost my parents or lost my human side. They were taken from me. There is a difference that can not be mapped between losing something and something being taken from you.

My family and my human side were given back to me when I was taken in by Chrysler. He made sure I had both. I wondered why I never called him ‘father’ or ‘dad’ even once.

Life is ruthless. People say meaningless things like ‘one should enjoy life as it comes’ when they feel shitty. That's not supposed to help, its supposed to tell you that you have a sucky life because you can't enjoy it the way it's speeding. I felt like I'd get run over pretty soon.

How can you ‘enjoy’ life ‘as it comes’ when all it ever comes with is despair and agony and…loss?

 “Don’t tell me…just because of that…you’re going to give up on me?

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