Thalia x Braidon

14 1 3

sorry in advance

Group - hey guys what happening (bunch of other shit)

Jazper - Bailey wanna fight (bunch of replies then Bailey asks to be friends)

Thalia - why Tf so many fights?

Makayla - idk

Braidon -punch on? @bailey_c9233 

Getting lazy so "font" is Thalia, "font" is braidon, "font" is everyone else

yea boiiii

Bunch more shit

im hungry and to lazy to get up 

i'll feed u my cock

please i-

She wants it she said please

Ur convos with Thalia are traumatising

Too lazy again but here's the run down, Thalia she said please, braidon thought to himself "it's my time to shine" then I don't know what happened but everyone said when they were last horny the Jazper said he is and he's a even better rundown, braidons gay but straight for Thalia but gay for Jazper and jazpers extremely gay for braidon. "Wanna fuck" braidon says passionately to Jazper, he agrees and I ask them to film it for me they said yes. Thalia relised that the rock song is getting mad boring so she made her own version to it of which is idk the stupid mf deleted it. Thalia thoughts OHHH it wold be smart to say imagine having kinks then thought it through again "shit ignore that I just outed myself" smart girl. Braidon relised tiktok is more important then his gf "anyways i'm going to watch tik tok if ya wanna contact me private chat me xx" he said to her ever so nicely Thalia thinking ever so wisely said "nah cause maggie has wattpad and i wont be suprised if she gon write a story bout this" then someone asks for everyone's wattpads and shit. Braidon says "anyways what's you doin bby?" Thalia replies "dying in lonelyness u bby?" "Same thing to be honest sweetie haha xx" braidon says

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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