Chapter 1: Kiss Not Make Out

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With the tray of food you were holding, you plunk down on the bench in front of Eren, Armin and Mikasa, also known as the Shingashina Trio making the two boys jump while Mikasa continued eating the nearly stale bread. It wasn't like you weren't friends with them but you were their superior. Your cadet friends usually had to confirm that you were not in fact here to kill them and then had to make sure they didn't piss you off. Their fear stemmed from three different factors.

One, you have a terrifying death glare.

Two, if you wanted to, you could gut them like a fish using nothing but a butter knife.

Three, a very fierce, very cranky captain would gauge the eyes out of anyone who put you in a foul mood. 

You don't know about the third one. It was Hanji who suspected it, confirmed it, and then told quite literally everyone except you. 

When you smiled and greeted them with a small, cheery "hey" they loosened up. Jean sat down in front of Mikasa five minutes into their meal. He smiled at Mikasa who just blinked and kept eating.

"So did you hear that they're having a small party today?" Jean said biting into his bread. You finished chewing and swallowed the disgustingly bland bread, "What for? What's the occasion?"

"Nothing," said Eren, "It's just a stress reliever for them, I guess." Jean growled.

"I was talking about the party, Jaeger."

"Who cares? You were to busy shoving bread into that horse face of yours."

"Maybe you should wait for people to finish eating before you interrupt them," Jean said, their voices getting increasingly louder.

"Shut up, both of you," she snapped. They both snapped their mouths shut and glowered a little. 

Hanji slid into the seat beside you, "Hey, you guys! Why so grumpy?" You shrug.

"Beats me," you say as you put the last serving of food in your mouth. You sat there withy our empty tray, "So, Hanji, what's with this stress relieving party? "

"Oh you know, nothing too big, everyone get's together in the mess hall and we talk and have fun. No alcohol of course. We play usual party games, truth or dare, spin the bottle etcetera."

"Hm," was all you said.

- Eren skipping around with a sign that says time -

You were reading a book about an alternate universe about two cancer stricken lovers when Hanji burst into the room. Her loud voice echoed around your nearly empty dorm room, "Its almost party time!" she exclaimed. 

You look up from your book, "Okay," you respond slowly. 

"We need to get you dressed up," Hanji states as she yanks an armful of dresses out of your closet, "You can't go to a party in your uniform y'know," she says bursting with excitement. 

"Okay, but I can just wear normal clothes, I don't need to wear a dress," you respond almost disgusted by the aspect of where one of your dresses to the mess hall for a stress relief party. The only reason you have dresses ins because you used to be forced to attend formal parties as your parents try desperately to climb up the social ladder and failing miserably. All the dresses fit because you stopped growing after you joined the military due to the change in your diet. Making you the shortest in the Survey Corps even shorter than Captain Levi which you have to say, is quite the achievement. 

You let Hanji whip out a loose white dress that didn't quite reach your knees. It was something you would wear during the summer to go shopping or something super casual, not that you ever did. Then you let her brush your hair through and then drag you down to the mess hall. 

When you arrived, Jean was of course the first to comment, "Damn, [Name] why are you so dressed up? Not that I don't like it."

You lift you arm pointing an accusing finger at Hanji, "I was forced." Hanji grinned, "You didn't put up much of a fight."

"I wasn't in the mood to punch you in the face today," you say flatly before hopping away to the table they were sitting at while Armin and Connie were playing a game of chess, Sasha was eating, of course, and Eren was watching really closely at the chess game. You were about to say something to Hanji when you noticed she had disappeared. 

Minutes later you heard the door slam open and Hanji eagerly bring a cranky-as-usual Levi in. He was wearing casual clothes. which was new, and of course his cravat. You smiled and waved at them, Hanji waved back grabbing Levi's wrist making him wave back, too. 

Levi just rolled his eyes.

"Okay!" Hanji bounced excitedly, "Everyone's here! So, who's up for truth or dare." Oh great, this was only going to end one way.

Since, I would say day one but that's incorrect, day thirty of befriending her she had been suggesting you "Hang out with the Captain" or "Let us stick you in a box and give it to the Captain for his birthday" or "You should drag the Captain into a cupboard and have a make out session with the Captain so that we can open the door to you two kissing the daylights out of each other and then you two can get into a relationship, oh what fun" . All of these only made you retort with something along the lines of, "If you think that should happen you should do that."

"Okay, okay! Who goes first?" said Hanji.

Connie replied, "Can I go first?" He said it so quickly it almost seemed rehearsed. Hanji just grinned, "Alright!" 

Connie looked at Jean and said, "Truth or Dare?" 

"Dare," he replied.

"I dare you to kiss..." he trailed off looking around the room. His eyes landed on you. Hanji watched him intently. "[Name]" he decided. Levi's scowled but only Hanji noticed that. 

"It has to be on the lips, though," Connie said. 

Jean leaned over kissed you on the lips making it quick as possible. This only caused Levi's scowl to deepen. Despite sitting right next to the Captain you didn't at all notice his dark expression. 

They played this until everyone had shifted positions many were sitting on the ground, some were sitting on the chair backwards, you and Hanji sat on the tables with Levi still sitting on the chair, across the circle of friends.

When it was Hanji's turn she turned to Levi, "Levi, truth or dare." 

You saw him shift, he obviously didn't want to participate but he answered anyways, "Dare."

You could almost feel Hanji beaming her grin reaching ear to ear, she managed between fighting fits of giggles, "I dare you to kiss [name]."

The heat went straight up to your face, you felt your face flushing, going red. Levi didn't seem to react at all. Everyone snapped their gaze to Levi who got up and took a few quick strides towards you. Oh god, you thought, I'm wearing a dress and sitting on the edge of the table and the only way he could possibly get close enough is if I open my legs. Oh god. You panicked internally and your face was surprisingly similar to a tomato. 

You were too busy freaking the hell out to notice him put his lips on yours until it happened, "Mmf," you said a little surprised. His eyes were closed and you slowly but surely melted into it wrapping your arms around his neck and his hands went to your waist. 

He pulled you away turning on his heel and leaving you blushing madly as he walked back to his chair. Everyone was still a little shocked. 

"What?" you asked defensively, "It was a dare."

"I said kiss not make out," Hanji said.

"Was it that long?" you asked, unaware of what just happened. 

"Yeah," she said. 

"Oh," you replied.

Then Hanji started squealing and giggly and you rolled your eyes still blushing.

Kiss Not Make Out [Levi x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें