Chapter 2: Prince in Shining Armor

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You walked down the hallway towards your room intent on using your quick break to take a nap and regain some energy before you had to continue training, chores and possibly helping Hanji with her experiments. As you almost made it to your room, you heard shuffling and a muffled "ow" before Levi was stumbled in front you. 

You smiled at him, "Hi, Levi, did you want something?"

"Nothing carry on," he said, stepping sideways allowing you to pass. He swung out his arm gesturing her to keep walking.

~Levi's POV~

Hanji grabbed Levi and hissed, "What the hell? That was a perfect opportunity and you blew it!"

"Shut up, shitty glasses."

"How long are you gonna wait?" Hanji whisper-screamed, "What? Christmas? New Years? Your 60th birthday?" she flung her arms out, standing on tip-toes and towering over him.

"Why is this so important to you?" He snapped back, "Don't answer that. I have better things to do." He stormed away. The worst part was that she was right. He had blown a perfectly good opportunity. He'll find a way though, he usually does.

-Time skip to the day before your birthday, which, for plot line's sake is pretty close to the time of the story- 

He mentally slapped himself. He had been working to the point where he forgot that it was your birthday tomorrow. Hanji was holding a party for you, of course and he was going to arrive without a present. That's just great.

He groaned, "I can't believe I forgot."

"What did you forget?" you say as you pop into his office. He looks up and says, "None of your business, [name]."

"How rude," you say smiling brightly, "I just came to drop off these papers if you don't mind."

"More work," he said flatly, "Great." 

As you leave, you almost slam into Hanji. 

"Hi, [name]," Hanji said.

"See ya, Hanji," you reply walking away.

When you're out of ear shot, Hanji turns to Levi, "So what are you getting her?" He groaned.

Hanji smiled, "You forgot didn't you? That's okay, I got you covered."

"You do?" he says almost too excitedly. He coughs and says more calmly, "Do you?"

"Yep!" she said excitedly, "We're getting her, her prince in shining armour!" 


"Y'know, the ONE. The guy who sweeps her off her feet."

"Forget it."

"Wait you didn't hear the best part!" she whined before a devilish grin appeared on her face.


"Oh, mon dieu," he growled the foreign language rolling off his tongue naturally, "C'est un idee terrible," he said as he looked down at what he was wearing. 

"I have no idea what you're saying!" Hanji said happily, "But I bet it means 'wow I'm so excited to pull this awesome plan off'."

"That's not what I said," he replied.

"That's what you meant," she replied brushing the mane of Levi's horse, which was temporarily allowed indoors for this specific occasion, "I mean I got the horse and everything!"

"That is not what I meant," he deadpanned.

"Petra, make sure he stays in his outfit and goes along with the plan," Hanji said to the Petra, who was just entering with Levi's tea, "I have to go check on [name]."


"Why do I have to wear this?" You said staring down at the outfit Hanji had picked out for you. It was a [favourite colour] one strap dress that was amazingly similar to a Greek toga which was a little weird, however it was a nice dress and it went very nicely with the knee high sandals that apparently existed inside of your closet where Hanji pulled it out from. 

"Because," she said braiding small braids on both sides of your head so that she can tie both together at the back of your head, "It's your birthday and we wanna make it special. Plus, Levi will be there," she laughed as heat rose to your cheeks.

It had been some time after the kiss but you got unnaturally flustered thinking about it. Maybe because he was your superior. Maybe because, oh my god, he was a damn good kisser. Maybe because this huge crush you had on your good-kissing, French superior was chewing you up from the inside out. 

When she was done with you which was, like, 2 minutes before the party, you were wearing the dress, the sandals and very slight make up, a rare artifact these days. It was just enough to bring your eyes out. When she had tried to make you wear the bright read make up you had slapped it out of her hands, luckily, she caught it before it hit the air. Instead, she settled with forcing to wear lip gloss.

"Lets go!" she laughed, grabbing you by the wrists and dragging you down the hallways.


When you got there everyone turned around. They all shouted happy birthday and confetti was thrown everywhere. Good God, Levi was going to kill you all. Speaking of which...

"Hey, Hanji -" you stopped when you realized Hanji wasn't beside you anymore. She was probably just joining the dancing crowd.


Hanji ran into the hallway where Levi was looking really uncomfortable. 

"Tch, I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered. Hanji patted his head. 

"The things one will do for love astonishes even the smartest people."

"Something meaningful finally came out of that mouth of yours, four eyes."

"Wow thanks," Hanji replied dryly. 

Levi hopped onto the horse and Hanji grabbed the grabbed the door knobs, "Ready?" 

He sighed and nodded putting extra effort in his completely stoic façade. 


The doors swung open. Hanji lead the horse into the mess hall and everyone gasped.

It wasn't the fact that the horse was indoors. It wasn't that the corporal of all people was riding the horse. It was what the corporal was wearing. It was basically a breastplate, his usual pants and boots from his uniform minus the straps, and a red cape. A sword was strapped to his hip. It was such an old fashioned armour it was almost funny. 

Everyone watched in shocked silence as the corporal stopped the horse in front of you and slipped off.

"Good evening, Miss [name]," Levi said, bowing.

"Good evening..." you said slowly, still trying to comprehend what was happening.

Everyone stared.

Levi bit the inside of his lip.

"It would be my honour if you would like to," he paused, "be... my... girlfriend." He was still bowing and his hair was falling forwards. Your jaw dropped a little, "Oh my god," you whispered. 

Everyone was waiting for your response. Hanji was gripping Erwin's arm smiling so big she might tear a muscle on her face. Her firm grip made Erwin wince. 

"I would love to," you say smiling.

"Seriously?" he said looking up, making someone snicker before he stood up resuming his stoic face as he pulled you towards him and into a kiss. You could hear Hanji fall over from across the room. 

"YES!" screamed Hanji.

When the party resumed you looked at Levi.

"You could have just asked, no need for an entrance like that."

"Tch, it was Hanji's idea."

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