Dark Secrets Mixed with Lies

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"Ji?, Jisung answer me!"

The silence on the line scared me to death. I didn't know what to do I didn't know how to get to him. Think Felix! Wait Chan Hyung!

I hang up on Jisung reluctantly and dial Chan, please pick up.

"Hello Chan Hyung I need help it's an emergency!"

"Whoa Felix what's going on?"

I quickly explained what just happened with Jisung.

"Oh shit do you know where he is?"

"No I have never been to his house in Incheon"

I was about to break, I needed to get to my best friend. I felt a bad feeling in my gut.

"Felix, Felix, YONGBOK!"


I snap out of my thoughts at Chan's voice. 

"Can you track his phone?"

"Yes I think so"

"Okay can you do it while we drive?"


"I am on the way to get you be outside"


I raced to my room and get dressed I throw some clothes in a bag for Jisung just in case. I grab the first aid kit from the bathroom. Just in case but he is okay right? He has to be....

I waited outside when Chan pulled up in his car. I climbed in, the silence was too much. Chan reached over and takes my hand.

"He's gonna be okay, get to tracking his phone it will take an hour to get to Incheon"

I nod my head and pull out my phone I open up the tracker and start to track his signal thankfully it was working. I was so worried, what could of happened to him.

Hour later we reached Incheon and the tracker lead us to a neighborhood lined with small houses. The tracker brought us to a house white with green shutters and a green door with a gold knocker. The place looked brand new. We pulled up and I jumped out racing to the door that was locked. I pounded on the door yelling.

"Ji, Jisung are you in there? Jisung it's Felix!"

"Move Felix"

Chan pulls out lock pick tool, wondered for a minute why he had that but the the door opens and he pushes it open. I shove past him the house inside was dark the window in the living room was open the curtains blowing with the light breeze. I see a staircase and race up them.

"Jisung, where are you?" 

I see a door with a gold star with HJ on it. I raced to it it's not fully closed I push it open the door the room was pitch black. Chan is right behind me and he flips on the lightswitch. The scene I see when the light hits the room makes me scream.

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