Chapter 34

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My night was rough. I couldn't sleep much and really I don't know what time sleep consumed me. But when I did wake up,it was bright.

I checked the time and noticed it was ten o'clock. I slept in without realising it. I got up with my throat dry and cranky so I walked out en route the kitchen. I bothered not to check in the room Roman slept in,I was too afraid of what we would argue about this time. It was too early to argue.

As I walked down the stairs,I heard chatter of people from a distance. What were they doing here?

I walked across the hall to the lounge first to find Otis,Sofia,Mesalla,Crystal and Ridge all sitted around enganging in hearted hushed chatter.

"Well goodmorning. So nice of you to sit in my house even when I am fast asleep." I said to them feeling a little puzzled by their sudden visit.

"Morning alpha." Otis said ignoring my attempt tp sarcasm. The rest bowed their heads at my presence.

"What's going on?" I asked while cocking my head to the right side.

"Did you sleep alright?" Sofia asked ignoring my question.

"Yes Sofia. Fine." I answered unemotionally. "Now will you tell me or what?"

"Roman left." Crystal said bluntly.

I flinched for like five seconds. How in the hell could he leave the territory without warning me atleast? Roman was taking this whole thing to a whole new level. And I needed to stay awake to keep up. I hid my emotions behind my impassive façade. No one seemed to notice my five seconds of dismembership of my own body.

"So? You guys are worried because we argued?" I scoffed. "Well thats not your business. I'm pretty sure you have lives. You don't need to look after mine."

"He left with Lenny." Crystal said again. She seemed to be the only one ready to tell me whatever the problem was. But only,I wasn't seeing the problem in any of what she was saying. Just trivial issues Roman and I had to settle between ourselves. So why were they so worried about me. Just because I had a breakdown didn't mean I was so fragile,I had the strength and mind of an alpha in me. In all of me.

"I do remember requesting to him to do so. I told him,'take care of your shit'." I grinned. But no one seemed to get the joke.

I sighed. "What is really going on here?" I asked with worry.

They all looked at me,like they were unsure of what to say or how to say whatever it was.

"Mes?" I said in a question form.

"Arlene the cells were breached." Otis said.

"What do you mean breached Otis?" I said walking to the kitchen quickly and grabbing a bottle o water. I walked back into the lounge while downing a sip.

"Well, from what we have gathered, all of us here went through to the prison last night or during the day yesterday. No one had been there this morning until I went and found the somewhat collateral damage." Otis told me slowly.

Mesalla finally began to speak. "You see Roman left this place at five in the morning with Mr Shawn and them. He ofcourse was the only one there. So either he helped cause the damage,or someone in the pack has a serious grudge on the alpha."

Whoo. This was too much to take in at once. First I needed finer details.

"What exactly was this collateral damage?" I asked.

"Well," this time Ridge spoke. "Jude,somehow managed to escape. The other three guys were dead with all their cells open and ofcourse the prison guard was down on the ground bleeding to death. He's in the pack hospital right now." He finished.

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