Chapter 7: A Magic Touch

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The rocky UFO shaped mountain cliffs were the star attraction in Reverse Falls, but unlike the towns residents and tourists, only the Gleeful family had access to the very tippity top. Stanford had bought the land the town rested on many many years ago and had stopped access to it from the usual hiking routes. No fences were placed, but the town's folk knew not to mess around with Gleeful rules and regulations, and even rowdy teens didn't disobey.


Stanford looked down at his daughter as he steered the horse up the hill, "Yes?"

"Do I really have magic like momma?"

"We'll find out soon enough, once we get to the top I will teach you a few meditation lessons, hopefully it will help." he replied, checking his watch closely before he continued to look ahead, the twins would be doing their practice lessons and William would either be cleaning or baking, or both. He was looking forward to tonight, it meant he could finally see what Fiddleford had been working on, as the man had refused to tell him before tonight. Usually the man would tell him, practically begging for praise, but this time he had kept his mouth shut, which meant whatever it was would be something good.

Ava bit her lip, not liking riding Pepper one bit and Pepper was just as unpleased but she didn't dare buck or cause chaos with Stanford on her back. Despite the saddle and Stanford's hand keeping her from falling off it was bumpy and awful, and she'd rather walk up the steep slope that lay nestled in the woods on either side.

She clung to her father's hand and looked around at the view instead, trying to focus on the beautiful nature around her. She liked being outside, but she hadn't ever been this far from the Manor before. At least she could get grubby without being yelled out since she was wearing her play clothes rather than her fancy dresses. Mabel had made her play clothes for her, it consisted of a tight fitting white tshirt and a pair of dark blue overalls, and there was an embroidered white dove on the front which was also functioned as a handy pocket she could tuck little finds in. William had a vast collection of these pretty finds due to this pocket and he kept everything on the window sill of his bedroom window. once they had been thoroughly cleaned. 

Once they were at the top Stanford got down and helped her down from Pepper's back, helping her to remove the helmet from her head which she always had trouble with. She tied her hair back up and fixed the bow tie clip in her hair before she headed over to the edge to take a look. It was a wonderful site to behold, everything was colourful and bright and spread out. The Manor and the town looked tiny from up here and she could see mountains and stuff in the far distance, "Daddy? What's over the mountains, past the town?"

"A city, bigger than this small town" Stanford replied, getting out the supplies needed for what he had brought them here to do. Ava hummed softly as she thought about it, "Is it nice?"

"It is, but it's very loud and there are far more people and cars than I care for. But they do have more opportunities and a nicer mall."

Ava came back over and took the yoga mat that had her name printed on it from her fathers hand, following him back to the edge and unrolling it as he did. Stanford sat down on his and smiled as she took a seat, "Are you ready, Ava?" he asked, pulling out a magic-level reading device from his pocket and setting it down between them. Ava nodded and copied the stance he was making, crossing her legs and holding out her hands, her palms facing up.

 "Yes sir."


William was just finishing up piping the cooled custard into the thin little baked pastry cases he had made earlier when he heard the slam of the front door and running in the hallway. Ava was home, and excited by the sounds of it. "No running in my house!" Stanford said loudly, making the little girl stop suddenly and look over her shoulder with embarrassment, "Sorry daddy! I'm just excited to show momma what I can do!" she cried, walking quickly over to the kitchen door and peering in with a big grin on her face. Will smiled back, "Ava, did you have fun?"

"Yup! And Pepper behaved too!"

Will smiled and gave her a custard tart, "Try this for me and tell me what you think" he asked, looking up as he noticed Stanford in the doorway, watching them both with that soft expression he usually reserved for them. Ava took a bite and nodded, "It's really good! How many did you make?"

"Plenty, so don't go filling up on anything before the party"

"Aren't we having dinner later?"

"No. Now, show me what you wanted to show me" Will said, expecting another weird rock or shiny pebble. Instead Ava held out her hand and concentrated hard, a small fire appearing in the palm of her hand and twisting around like a tiny tornado, "Daddy said it's weak now, but it'll get stronger as I practice and grow. He's really happy and proud of me!"

William was surprised, "... You can do magic?..."

Ava nodded, "Something wrong, Mom?"

"No, nothing's wrong, it's all well and good, I'm proud of you too, my little bird. Off you go, Mabel has your outfit tailored and ready to try on." he replied, shooing her out the kitchen so he could continue with the prep work, the custard tarts were the last and needed to be placed in the fridge for a few hours to set more. Stanford leaned against the doorway, "Everything sorted?"

"Yes, sir."


Fiddleford set the device in its display case, taking off his goop splattered goggles and bloodied gloves. At the far end of the lab a dismembered corpse sat on the metal table, the remains of a once beautiful and colourful magical creature, now dull and lifeless. His device was finally ready and working like a charm, and now all he had to do was show it off, get his praise and Stanford would fall hopelessly in love with him.

Or maybe he was expecting too much.

He shook his head and removed his grimy lab coat, stuffing everything into the bin next to the door for William to take care of later. He slipped on a clean one and pressed the call button as he made himself a cup of tea, he needed the lab cleaned before tonight, just in case someone wanted a look around. William came a few minutes later to clean up just as he was sitting down at the desk with the hot cup of earl gray. Fiddleford watched the entire time, staring at the demon like a hungry fish. He hated William, Stanford always paid him more attention and loved him when the demon had earned it. He couldn't wait to take him apart one day when the man no longer found him useful.

Take his place.

A crate rattled under the desk and he kicked it with a foot, the creature inside whimpering and scared as he sipped away at his drink. Tonight he'd be royalty, dressed up in a tailored suit and hanging off of Stanford's arm like a damsel in distress, ready to show his fellow friends what working for Stanford could do. The inner circle would relish his invention and he'd hope to be given status for it. Maybe he'd finally get a golden pin of his very own, he already was a part of it all.

It wasn't fair.

There was also one more thing he couldn't wait to do, and that was finally killing the little brat that had wormed its way into the family like a parasite.

The thing.

The filth.

The dress up doll.


Ava (A Reverse Falls Story) (Onesided Willford)Where stories live. Discover now