Chapter 5

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Today is the day.

I can't believe it.

I'm meeting One Direction.

Antonio had come specially to make us breakfast and to clean up because he knew my dad would be stressed. One Direction are definitely coming though, they had 100% confirmed that they were coming. My Dad had spoken to all the members on the phone, and he said they actually seemed 'okay.' Dad told me that they all said please and thank you, and said they didn't want anything special apart from they could do with lunch, and they also told my Dad not to worry if anything went wrong, they don't expect things to go perfectly because nothing ever does. Which means, I can get all excited about them coming again, without waiting for some stuck up celebrities, because they seem so down to earth. My dad won't admit they seem nice, but I know he thinks it. Unfortunately, my dad is still extremely nervous and he so he wants me to come and meet them at 10 o'clock. He told me to wear something nice, but I'm just going to wear high waisted shorts and a crop top, which means now I do have to worry about what I'm going to wear to meet them . Actually I'm not that bothered, it's my style and if they don't like it, tough.

"Ivy! Ivy! It's quarter to ten!" A shout sounds in my ears. Oh My God! I'm not even dressed yet, I haven't had breakfast! I shoot out of my bed, quickly grabbing the clothes I had laid out last night. I had chosen white high-waisted shorts and a light blue top, with white and blue converse. I got dressed at Olympic speed and then quickly put on some waterproof mascara. Thank God my hair had decided to look nice by itself today. Thank you God! After quickly double checking I looked okay, I sprinted downstairs. It was now 5 to 10.

"Come on, Ivy! Here's your breakfast." Antonio shoved a plate over to me. On it was a pancake with Nutella.

"Aw, Antonio. Thank you so so much!!" I grin, picking up the pancake with my hands. No time for knives and forks.

At 10 o'clock, I left the house. I sprinted out the door, out the drive and through the first thing. When I got to the entrance of our Centre, my dad was waiting with the 4 hottest boys I have ever seen.

"Sorry I'm late." I smile, walking closer to them. All 5 heads turn to look at me (my dad included) and I notice the boy at the end smirk slightly.

"Ah, there you are. This is my daughter, Ivy."

"Nice to meet you." I smile, looking each one in the eyes individually. They all smile at me, and I swear I feel like I'm going to collapse.

How are they so hot? How is this physically possible?

"Ivy works with the Dolphins. She's the main trainer here, so she'll be the one who'll be with you when you swim with them." My dad explains. All 4 of the boys look from me and my dad, smiling. They look better in real life than in photographs. Of course they're still hot in photos, but no photos capture them in this light, with the sun shining in their eyes, making them sparkle. They all seem fresh and happy, not annoyed and grumpy, like some photos make them seem. Liam, the one closest to me, is wearing a plain white shirt with black swimming shorts. He looks fit. Louis, the next boy along, wears a black top with white swimming shorts. They match, how cute! Niall, the third boy along wears a white shirt with writing on, but it's in some weird language which I don't understand, with green trunks. Harry, the last boy, completely stand out. He wears a white button up shirt with yellow shorts. Bright yellow shirts.

"So, you can kind of either walk around on your own or Ivy can come with you. She knows a lot about things here. Obviously." My dad mutters to himself. The boys laugh, but I know it's not nastily aimed at my dad.

"We'd love for Ivy to come with us." Niall smiles.

His accent. Oh My Lord. I don't think I've ever heard something that makes me as happy as that. His accent. Holy balls. I can't even cope with the way he says my name. I think I've fallen in love.

Dolphin Tale (one direction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant