01| Why am i Here!

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"You are just a peice of trash you know?" 

"Just look at that bitch" "Just look at her - ewwwww!" " ugh!"

"Please don't do this me! What have i done to you! did I ever bother you!" Ara shouted her a$$ off just to tell.

She was just so fed up; she was so done with her life.

Not that she was ugly-

Areum was a girl of who didn't want to live, but she had to survive. 

Everyone has their reasons. 

(P.S.- readers, you will be getting small author's p.o.v s/ author's notes in b/w of the story)

It was not like this happend with Areum only today, this was happening since the past 2 years. 

Not that she was ugly, she was beautiful af.

What made her suffer so much? Was she even doing this on her own accord of is it that she was forced

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